Some thoughts on 9/11 and covid-19

One major reason why I'm so open minded to conspiracy theories is because I started getting deep into researching the attacks on 9/11 after they happened.

I spent thousands of hours intensely researching the subject over the course of more than 10 years.

The evidence just kept piling up that all was not as it was being presented to be.

Most of the physical evidence for the biggest crime scene in American history was quickly shipped off to China to be melted down, top names refused to testify openly, and there was a push to deprive citizens of the US and the rest of the world basic human rights.

We were massively being kept in the dark and the overly secretive and questionable aspects of our so called "leaders" were overwhelming.

I didn't just watch a few videos on YouTube or go about it lazily to come to my conclusions, I was also part of a research forum focused on the subject and people from both sides would meet there to discuss/debate and I even personally talked with or debated some of the "big names" back during that time including one of the guys who co-authored the original papers on the collapse of the twin towers which was accepted and I do believe is still accepted to this day in terms of the "official story".

I looked at both sides and spent a significant amount of time "debunking" what I thought were false conspiracy theories and despite being not nearly as open minded as I am now to such kinds of things, I still had quite a few major questions that no one was able to answer.

I truly invested a significant portion of my life to try to honor the victims by trying to find the truth and helping in whatever ways I could and... What I learned can't just be easily put into a few words that could fit on a meme or even into many full books.

I wish I could somehow telepathically share what I've learned with anyone who is interested so they could know what I know.

It's one of the greatest frustrations to have so much extremely important information in your brain and not be able to present it in a way that others will accept or even respect.

The way the system is set up people are conditioned to ridicule conspiracy theorists and think they are crazy, to even discuss some of these things openly can take a lot of courage and that's something I think which is often overlooked by the masses of people who subscribe to nothing but the official conspiracy theories and what the so called authorities tell them is true.

The most common response is to be ignored or insulted and it can get worse up to intimidation, threats and even worse, there's very little money in it especially if you're not a huge name like Alex Jones... (Who I'm not a fan of by the way) So, why do people like myself spend so much time trying to alert others when we get so much stressful energy and adversity in return?

And I of course know that not all conspiracy theorists are "correct" and many of them are "assholes" and some can make it easy to create stereotypes, though... Stereotypical thinking is often fallacious and I think most of these kinds of people are truly trying to help even some of them seem irrational or like jerks sometimes.

There was a point I used to make fun of and joke about conspiracy theories about a NWO and secret societies having significant influence in government and then I realized I was wrong...

I spent a lot of time and changed my position and opinion.

Conspiracies aren't just rare either, powerful people come together to try to exploit virtually every area of life that they can... You can find legitimate conspiracies almost everywhere you look and it's not some sort of wild and outlandish "rare" sort of thing, it's extremely common.

Many people believe what happened on 9/11 is linked to what's happening now with covid-19 and... I was skeptical at first, but the more and more that has played out the more I think there is a major connection there.

It's scary to get deep into what's going on in the world and I think that's one reason so many prefer to mock and make fun of and avoid or ignore these kinds of things.

Truly... I think you have to come face to face with some of your own worst fears and aspects of mortality and also go face to face with just how truly evil humans can be and how different the reality is from what is advertised by the traditional institutions of power and influence and especially the corrupt and controlled mainstream media.

My heart goes out to all the victims of 9/11, and the victims of the ensuing wars that followed and just all the victims in general throughout history and into the future who are treated as expendable resources and collateral damage for the greedy and immoral ambitions of political immorality , secretive forces and predatory groups.

Also, my appreciation and thanks goes out to all those who are brave enough to not only search for the truth, but also to speak their truth and try to share what they've learned with others even at great potential risk to themselves.

As a final statement I just want to say that I think two major things that would be good to work on collectively are apathy and secrecy... I think both of those are major factors that lead to events like the attacks on 9/11 and which also allow them to not be brought to the kind of justice they merit.

Peace and love. <3

PS... I would say that both 9/11 and covid-19 are eerily related in the sense they were both predicted in numerous and significant ways across a broad spectrum of formats from government drills and plans/agendas to TV shows, movies, books, video games, paintings, music, comics, etc.

It's just sort of overwhelming how much evidence is out there is if you look with an open mind and it is very concerning in my opinion.

14225530_10209110190850878_8951508768406525111_n.jpg I don't own the rights to this image, it's just a meme I found on social media and I'm sharing it in a fair use sense.

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