Rising Veils

I found this sign the other day when I was on an adventure and it gave me a good chuckle. :D
Somehow it made it to a spot down in the bushes not too far from the creek, it looked like it had been sitting there for years.

I think it was very synchronistic for a couple of reasons, one is that it appeared to be right under a poison oak plant and I had to be careful to get it out!
I'm not 100% sure it was poison oak, but it had the 3 green leafs at the end of the branches like poison oak does so it kind of felt like the sign itself was protected by a magic spell! Lol.

And then, the other synchronistic reason is that I found it in the same month as Halloween... What are the odds? Once again... This was in a spot where no one lives or parks and it looked like it had been there for years because it's quite weathered on the front and back.

Blows my mind... And reminds me of how I found a similar metal Christmas tree in a totally different spot back around when I started my adventures in 2020 and that ended up being a very meaningful find! I love finding unique and interesting things like this! I wonder what the story is behind them and how they ended up where they did...

That Christmas tree was also in a place where no one lives or barely ever even walks through and it was quite rusted and looked like someone had maybe thrown it off the side of the cliff by the road when they were dumping their Christmas tree or something, that's my guess anyways.

I've never really been one for traditions or holidays and actually spent time speaking out against such ideas because almost no one even knows the real history for these days and they sorta just "repeat" behavior almost as if entranced without understanding why, but I've been trying to tap into synchronicities and being receptive to potential messages from the "universe" or whatever you wanna call it and after finding that metal rusted Christmas tree I started to lighten up about the subject a lot and see Christmas symbolism all over especially in regard to Santa Claus and the color red and even started listening to Christmas music and getting into the "spirit" and had one of the best Christmas days ever.

So... I'm wondering if a similar thing will happen with this and I'll have one of the best Halloween days ever? And then I wonder if I'll find other weird artifacts that make me appreciate other holidays more? Lol.

Also, I think there's a big misconception out there that witches are "only" women... But ,actually witches are men too and it's not a gender specific sort of thing.
The etymology of the word is a bit confusing and there's a lot of different ideas as to the origins, however to me the word is very similar to the word "wizard" and essentially means someone who is "wise" which to me also translates often into an understanding of the magical world as well.

There are many male witches today and going way back into ancient history as well, so even though the picture is of a woman on this sign I still identify with the essence of it and as someone who works with magic I feel I'm a witch, a wizard, a sorcerer, etc... Just about any of those words.

In fact... I think pretty much all other humans are as well even if they don't understand it... I think we're all casting spells and working with magic every day even if we don't realize it just by thinking and interacting with the world and talking and writing and creating art and dreaming, etc etc etc. I think we're all magicians and witches and sorcerers.

You could make the argument that there's a lot of people out there who are not "wise" and that would be a good argument against everyone being a wizard/witch, however I think we're all wise in different ways and we're all also foolish in different ways as well.
Anyways... This is getting kinda long, moving on!

Yesterday was such a nice day!
I went out to adventure and exercise and... Was only able to do 1 pushup at first, lol.

But... Then I managed to get 2 decent pushups in a row and a third sort of half one with bad form!
Afterwards I found a hill and did some pushups going up hill which was much easier and allowed me to work the muscles in a different way and I did a bunch of repetitions and static holds as well! Slowly but surely! I'm going to get stronger!

I laid down a few times in the shade of trees and it was just so peaceful... I feel so grateful to be able to live in Sedona still and so grateful to have lived here for so long. Sure is a special place. <3
Also, I got up to 160 pounds yesterday as well! :D

As I've mentioned before, I don't know how much I weighed before botulism cause I didn't weigh myself in years, but we guessed that I was around 160 pounds. So... It looks like I'm back to around where I was weight wise!
Unfortunately though I was more muscular before and more fat now and now I gotta work on turning this fat into more muscle and I'd like to get back up to around 185 pounds if possible which is where I was when I did martial arts and lifted weights years ago.

Last thing I'm going to say is... If some of those medical people had it their way I'd still have that feeding tube in me! smh
They wanted me to get to 165 pounds and then maintain it for a few weeks, man... That woulda been rough... That thing hurt on a regular basis and I'm so glad I got some different opinions and the doctor and surgeon I saw afterwards agreed! Oh and the scar makes me sorta look like I still have a second belly button, haha... Hopefully it heals up more... Though, whatever. Just glad I'm still alive and able to walk and talk and do so many other things I used to take for granted.

K... That's it for me today. I hope you're doing well and bye until next time! 👽 ❤️ 🤗 🦦 🤠 🌈 🦥 🧙 🦋 🐐 🛸


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