Witness Server Upgraded to 0.20.10 & Short Guide to Upgrade Yours - I'm Very Proud of This Cause - Watch the Video - Priceless!!!

I have no words to describe my happiness in knowing that my donations can bring so much happiness around the world and are beginning to appear and have these results. A child's smile is priceless!

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Watch Video, It's Priceless

I launched my witness server by the start of April 1st, 2019 and so far it has not missed any blocks yet. Recently, I upgraded my node version to 0.20.10 flawlessly and it does not even require replay if you are doing that from version. 0.20.09. Here is short little guide if you are using steem-in-a-box by @someguy123 because docker version does not have latest version yet.

I would like to thank my team of developers who are doing a great job. We have already processed some blocks and there are no blocks missing! You are incredible professionals!

Courtesy of @drakos to manually build latest image:

1- cd ~/steem-docker
2- git pull
3- ./run.sh build v0.20.10 ( You have to wait for this operation to complete because it will take little time)
4- docker tag steem:v0.20.10 steem:latest
5- ./run.sh restart

Witness nodeDedicated Server
CPUIntel i7
Disks2x512GB NVME
Connection1gbit/s network


I would like to thank to all of my supporters who have voted for me as witness because every vote counts and I was able to generate few blocks so far.

Do consider voting for me if you like what I do and to support more communities.

Vote for chbartist here



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