Mabon (Fall) & Ostara (Spring) Infographics for September 22, 2020

As I talked about ages ago, I'm creating more witchcraft related quotos & infographics, to use as the spoiler space prevention thingies for my Tarot Tuesday posts (as well as just for sharing in my witchy social circles). I'm also hoping it will drive some of my Pinterest traffic here instead of my WordPress blog - more about that (eventually) in an upcoming post.

After this is up on the blockchain, I'll reply with a link to the pin I create, my Instagram post, and my Tweet (unless #PoshBot gets to it Oh, and if anyone else is on Pinterest, shout out and I'll give you a follow! Always happy to have more Hivers on any of my other social media accounts! ๐Ÿ˜Š

So without further ado, here are a couple of graphics for tomorrow's equinox, one each for the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Oh, and please feel free to share!


Mabon in the Northern Hemisphere

Mabon, Wheel of the Year 2020.jpg


Infographic Text

Mabon/Fall Equinox
September 22, 2020 at 9:30am EDT

Mabon, also known as the Witch's Thanksgiving, is the second harvest festival, and opposite Ostara on the Wheel of the Year. Day and night are equally long, but starting now until March 20, 2021 (Ostara), there will be more darkness than light.

  • Colors โ€“ red, yellow, orange, and brown.
  • Symbols โ€“ apples, scarecrows, acorns, grapevines.
  • Ritual work โ€“ reflecting on the past and planning for the future, giving thanks, home protection, balance.

Photo: Fall leaves, taken on Mabon 2016


Ostara in the Southern Hemisphere

Ostara  Southern Hemisphere, Wheel of the Year 2020.jpg


Infographic Text

Ostara/Spring Equinox
September 22nd 2020 at 11:30pm AEST

Ostara is opposite Mabon (Fall Equinox) on the Wheel of the Year. Day and night are equally long, but from now until Mabon (March 20, 2021) there will be more light than darkness.

  • Colors โ€“ yellow, sky blue, pink, green.
  • Symbols โ€“ eggs, flowers, seeds, rabbits.
  • Ritual work โ€“ new ideas, projects, beginnings, planting, fertility, banishing negative and attracting positive, and growth.

Photo: Dewdrops on clover, taken Spring 2016


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Thanks for stopping by!

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.

Blog graphics created on Canva
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...

I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few...

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