RE: cutting smelly weed 🤫

Bro Me too I've been smoking cannabis for 25 years and it was really bad at first. at school is also not recommended, it all went nothing great. it was a struggle with my parents, especially with my dad, who was a doctor psychiatrist. And he was so against drugs. while he drank himself to death. (at least shortened)Yes, luckily that turned out in the end and he could separate cannabis from drugs. That was because I had an aunt who was on heroine his sister and he had his bad experience with that.
In my youth I also used everything except herowine. Fortunately, because I do know what it does to people. but that's a whole different story. cannabis is definitely not a hard drug that will make you do weird things. although if I'm honest I stole to get some weed when I was younger. I'm not proud of that but yes. I must be on medication. Now I'm really a good boy, trying to make up for where I made mistakes. but cannabis is still unaffordable. so that's why I grow it myself with the risks that are there

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