Travel to Porcfest 3

Kansas City

... been feeling the code lately which is love and tolerance, I feel that code is tied to peace. The practice of love and tolerance gives birth to a stabilization of peace in my heart and with a peaceful heart it is much easier to practice love and tolerance. This is what I like to call the COOL CYCLE....stay cool yall!..

We have three little mottoes which are apropos. Here they are:

First Things First

Live and Let Live

Easy Does It

“The most futile thing in the world is to seek to live upon a past realization. The thing that means spiritual life to you is your realization of God here and now.

Be thankful for yesterday’s experience, knowing that it is with you forever in the change of consciousness that it brought about, but do not lean upon it for a single moment for the need of today.

The art of life is to live in the present moment, and to make that moment as perfect as we can by the realization that we are the instruments and expression of God Himself.”

Around the Year with Emmet Fox

Emmet Fox

"When would be a good day to try some meditation?  When would be a good day to make amends for something that has been bothering you for a while?  When would be a good day to call someone and share some love?  When would be a good day to talk to God at every opportunity?  When would be a good day to end the day by reviewing how you might have behaved in a kinder and more loving manner?

Sandy Beach

(to Yolanda)
So, we cool Yolanda? We ain't gonna
do anything stupid, are we?

Don't you hurt him.

Nobody's gonna hurt anybody. We're
gonna be like three Fonzies. And
what' Fonzie like?

No answer.

C'mon Yolanda, what's Fonzie like?

(through tears, unsure)
He's cool?

Correct-amundo! And that's what we're
gonna be, we're gonna be cool.

Pulp Fiction

Camp Lakewood, RV Campground in Effingham, Illinois

Lovely- a blend of sound from i70 and nature amidst forest and river

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