I Started The Non-Consent Form To NOT be Vaccinated Today Part 1

Solutions Empowerment is one of the many Common Law Remedy sites I listed in these posts regarding a way to fight against the fucking establishment.

Here's the Youtube interview.

I just liked them - of all the people that I have read and talked to - so far I liked this guy the best - what he said in the interview.

I have tried to no avail to find people to help me in Colorado, although I am going to be talking to the representative for Colorado from https://theamericanstatesassembly.net/ which is a much bigger project than simply vaccines - this guy lives in Woodland Park, CO which is south of me a bit - but he is going to schedule a call to discuss what they are doing. This is a much longer term thing - I think and it involves me getting involved with state government - which being an anarchist - rubs me the wrong way, but at the same time - I like what they are doing - they are providing a way to change your status from a creature of State to a free being - and they have forms to get your driver's license and license plates changed over to free being stuff - so I might go along with all that - but again, my current concern regards the immanent vaccine threat -

I am using Solutions Empowerment's forms. I am paying $5 donation and when my fear subsides, I am going to pay them their requested fee of $69.95 but right now I am in so much fear of the process that I have to just get into some action before I can pay them.

I have to go to the Post Office and get a Registered envelope or whatever is provided here in the US for that.

I am going to have to download all the forms and take them to Office Depot to print because I don't have a printer at home.

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In order to go in to the Post Office, I will have to put on my tie-dye neck gator that I bought on ebay. I am still pissed off that I spend any fucking money on this skamdemic.

It is very stressful for me to go out at all now and do anything because it requires that I conform to this absolute tyranny of bullshit that the fucking lemmings have agreed to. But I must do it before I become a total recluse

Basically, the el-ites are seeding the population with the idea that we are going to get vaccinated. That is their "offer". Most people are ignorant to the fact that that's what they are doing and that our obligation is that we have to say NO!!! to them or else your silence says yes - SILENCE = DEATH - remember that?

This link will provide history of how Common Law came into being and then later Equitable Law

Here are my posts regarding this Remedy:



Others have posted about the Birth Certificate and this Masonic System we live under:

Honestly, I have a learning disability - I can read this, and somewhat understand it but then I don't. I can watch videos about it and get it. And then I cannot talk about it to others - this has been my difficulty. If I was to really learn this, I would need to find others to talk it over with on a regular basis until I fully embodied it.

I have been studying this for 10 years or more and I still have not embodied it because I have no one to discuss it with - however - I am still going to move forward with the Non Consent because at least that will make me feel more comfortable.

Of course they are also putting forth that you will need a Wellness Pass to go to the grocery store or to cross state lines - but I am not going to worry about that right now. This reminds of something David Icke said about worrying about the consequences of Right Action. He talked about that in that interview with London Real a few months ago.

So, today I am going to go to the post office to find out how to send Registered Mail and then to get some envelopes. The Australian Envelope Requirement is an A4 - so I am going to get some at the Office Depot:

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In addition to all this, I also have to print out about 30 pages of bullshit to transfer the title of my boyfriend's mobile home which I bought, to me. In this regard I am still going through all state procedures the same way and it is incredibly complicated and time consuming to do it - and then photograph it all and send to them by email because of the stupid cv bullshit nightmare.

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Yesterday I bought this from ebay for $33 it is on it's way from Eaton, Co - which is about 50 mi north. I could have picked up but I don't have time really.

In the interview - Mark the Godfather of Equity Law said no later than a 5th Edition should be used - all the earlier ones are in the 100s of dollars now but I got this one pretty cheap I think.

I wish I did not have these learning disabilities, but I do - so I have to work with what I have to work with.

Oh and by the way: If you go to the Solutions Empowerment Website, your fucking Rothschild's owned Internet Provider might give you these images to scare you:
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Ignore them. These people will talk to you if you write to them. They are there and human.

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