Project X Day 2 - 24 May 2020


After 17 hours of sleep from 5 PM yesterday, I woke up in an angry state. 17 hours has gone by. It's not that I didn't know that this would happen. I knew it would happen because I took my anti-psychotic pills before I went to sleep.
Today is Day 2 of Project X. I have to change a lot of things to the schedule just because I have slept that 17 hours.

I am going to be recording all things Project X and not live streaming it. Fortnite is going to happen 7 hours a day on Twitch every day throughout this 27 more days to June 19.

I am also going to be trying what I can to squeeze in as much time working other than sleep until Project X happens June 19 1900 hours.

In another few minutes, we are heading to Melinda's Raya open house. I am going to be trying what I can to have a good time there and come back to work on Project X again.

We ordered food but it got canceled. So we are getting Texas Chicken before visiting.

The days ahead are going to be full of challenges and obstacles. Things will keep changing rapidly. But that is good. As long as things are done and as long as I get work properly executed, I think this is going to be awesome.

I am not expecting any miracle to happen...

I am expecting to just be able to walk when I am just crawling right now.

To me that is already enough.

Thanks be to God.


Image Source: Envato Elements

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