Searching for Aussies on Steem: Fair Dinkum!

G'Day Aussies!!

My Post.png

I've been on Steemit for over a year now and I've been a bit neglectful of the whole 'Team Australia' thing - no idea why, just I guess I wasn't too active on Discord and a lot of Aussies dropped off when the Steem price did. Then I got involved in Natural Medicine and the rest was history. But I've been really keen of late to figure out how many of you are here and where you might be hiding. Are there people I don't know about that I should know? I feel I have more American friends that I ever thought possible, but Aussies? Yeah nah.

I was in the Australia and New Zealand Discord server AND the Aussie hang out in Palnet the other day trying to figure out if there was a definitive list of active Steemians around. It's been bothering me for a while - I either keep asking people where they are from, or feel frustrated to know someone's from Victoria, but am not sure where in Victoria. @austbitbank suggested I go through the list of people that @centrelink follows, which I will definitely do (I imagine it will take me some time!) but I thought I'd start creating the list in this post. I've put the names of people I DO know (which is shockingly small, I know - and sorry if I forgot you at all) and am hoping that people will chip in to help me with my list.

You see, I don't just want to know if you're Aussie, or what state you live in, I want to know what area you live in. If you're not happy naming the town, the vague area would be really cool. And, if you can tag another Aussie here that would be great as well! And then I can follow ya and stuff, 'kay?

And before you ask - why is the Queensland list so long? That's thanks to @choogirl - who first warmly invited me to be part of #teamaustralia. Apparently there's also a map somewhere - it'd be cool to see that, but I'm not sure whether it's relevant if people have disappeared!

Hopefully the next list will be more up to date with active Steemians. Please, please resteem!


@duckspondfarm (Near Bundaberg)

@riverflows (Surfcoast)
@metametheus (Melbourne)
@jagged (Melbourne)
@melbourneswest (Melbourne)





@j oh god I forgot all the letters that make up your name, but promise I haven't forgotten YOU!

Ex-pats Living Abroad


Where do you live now? Where are you from originally?

If you can help me with this list by resteeming, that'd be really cool! I'll keep editing the post as you let me know where you're from. I'm hoping to get to know more Aussies here in the process as well as trying to connect some of that might not live too far from one another!

And I will re-post a version of this every month or so. Kinda like shouting AUSSIE into a crowd and seeing if anyone goes OY. And if i HAVE been talking to you of late but didn't put you on the list, I am just being a disorganised galah..

@naturalmedicine II Discord Invite II #naturalmedicine


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