My thoughts on COVID-19 Part 2

Last week I put together some of my doom and gloom thoughts on this current shitty situation that we're in. This week I'm going to look at what I hope are some of the positive outcomes that will result from the current environment.


1) Economic Vandalism thanks to Climate Alarmists
No country will have the resources left to pay for any of these bullshit targets that the greenies and socialists. This is a great thing, it will pave the way for so many other changes that will benefit us all.


2) A New Industrial Revolution
Countries such as America, England and Australia for many decades were manufacturing powerhouses that lead the world in top quality products such as cars, tools, machinery etc. But today these countries are just a shell of their former selves. To karma for ditching manufacturing in the persuit of cheap labour is finally coming back to big Australia on its lazy ass in that we can't source or support equipment that is vital for our day to day operations.
3rd party end users such as BHP, Rio Tinto etc have ridden the gravy train of cheap imports and healthy exports for so long that it can't cope with the additional costs that are being presented now.
The return of the machinist and welder to being a sought after trade is just around the corner. Albeit with a new spin with the advancement of technology, things such as rapid prototyping CNC's and 3d Metal printers will revolutionise how factories operate, but nonetheless that work will most certainly come back onshore.


3) Flexible working and Office work
With so many people now working from home, the new norm after this lockdown ends will most likely be that many people will be open to the ideas of being able to work from home. Employers that has been resisting the change for fear of inactivity and lost productivity have been pleasently surprised how trustworthy their employees are, and what can be achieved while not in a cubicle.
The conintuation of these arrangements will have vast affects on how society changes. No longer does mum and dad need to drop their kids at day care at 6am to commute to and office, then commute home to pick the kids up right before dinner, then because they are so rushed feeding the family on some frozen crap that fits in with their busy lifestyle. Instead the parents will be free to get up and spend a bit of quality time with their family, answer a few emails before dropping their kids and school and talking to their teachers. Then because they are already home, the option to cook a meal from fresh food becomes available. Then pick their kids up after school and help them with their homework.
There will be less traffic on the roads, less congestion and less pollution. This results in less stress and happier society. This I think will be the biggest change to come from this lockdown.

In conclusion, I think that while the world has currently gone to shit, this whole episode is going to be one of the best things that can happen to our society. Traditional jobs should return, family balance should return. Levels of stress and disconnection should reduce and people will in turn end up much happier. Lastly and most importantly, I think people may start valuing different things. Putting all their life goals into trying to be a Kardashian may be a thing of the past, instead people will want to live a free life and benefit from the freedoms that current modern society does not afford them.

Thanks for reading.


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