A massive personal Shake up

So over the pas week or so I've had some major shitty shit go on in my real life that has resulted in me having to drop my uni courses.

As I earn a fairly high income, I have to pay HECS upfront in my tax each month, this was costing me over $700 a month in additional tax, and it was crippling. Now I don't begrudge paying my way, I've never expected a free ride, but the system really isn't designed to help semi-successful people get ahead in life.

So anyway, the good thing is that I will be back to concentrating on my woodworking so I should have a few new posts coming out about my shenanigans there, but more than likely most of the good stuff will have to wait until after my holiday at the end of the month.

Take care, and I look forward to hopefully spending more time on the chain and producing some interesting content again.

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