I, Too, Have Jumped on the Substack and Ghost.org Bandwagons

My publication is called “Industrial Nightmare Dimension”. It will include all of my short stories and novellas but not my paid novels, currently available only on Amazon. Have a look at my offerings here: https://alexbeyman.substack.com/

I’m also now on Ghost.org as well, at https://industrial-nightmare-dimension.ghost.io/. Ghost.org is another one of these paid blogging platforms / Medium alternatives, I’m kinda throwing everything I’ve got at the wall right now and seeing what sticks.

On both platforms, I’ve priced myself lower than recommended at $5 monthly and $50 yearly, more in line with what we pay for the Partner Program here on Medium. That seems like a reasonable amount to me and right on the threshold of an impulse buy for someone intrigued by my writing.

You may have read some of these before on r/libraryofshadows, r/darktales, r/nosleep or heard them narrated on the No Sleep Podcast. Some of the stories adapted by NSP include Persistence of Vision, The Slog, and The Grinding. More narrations of my work can also be found on Youtube.

I previously had an Inkitt and a Wattpad. I’ve removed all of my work from both, because Inkitt doesn’t pay, and Wattpad’s compensation model doesn’t work well imo. I’m all-in on Substack and Medium (considering Ghost as well), because I’m at the stage where I’ve successfully crowdfunded traditional publication of my first anthology, so I feel as if the time for giving everything away in exchange for exposure is at an end.

With any luck this turns out to be a lucrative new venture for me. I took a risk on Medium and it has so far justified itself. I took a risk on Steemit back in 2016 and it paid for nearly everything I have now, though that platform has since withered on the Vine. I look forward to seeing what direction this new platform takes me.

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