Blockchain Poets

This is a place to post poetry & support each other through comments. Give 2 comments for every poem you post.

Every poet wants to be read. Our art is often overlooked and/or misunderstood. Over the years, I have seen a lot of great poetry go unnoticed after being posted on the blockchain or other mediums. The purpose of this community is to attempt to put a stop to that.

Someone should really be reading and appreciating our work, but who? The answer is US!
Who better to read and comment on poetry than poets? Who is more apt to understand the metaphors and rhythm of our pieces and appreciate the nuances. Who better to praise and critique? If not us, then who, indeed.


- Poems & comments for all languages are welcome!

- For every poem you post, please comment on two poems posted by others. This is known as the 2-1 rule. Posts which have not met the 2-1 rule will be muted.

- Please post no more than three poems in this community per day. (note: posting 3 poems would require you to comment on at least 6 other poems)

- Provide a substantial comment. Comments like "I liked it" and "Good job" will not be counted towards the 2-1 requirement. Let the author know you read the poem. How did it make you feel? How did you interpret it? Was there something unique about the writing or the metaphors used?

- You may re-post old work in here as long as it hasn't been posted here in the previous 6 months. The 2-1 rule still applies.

- Critiques should be given sparingly and gently.

- Always be respectful. Any attempts to berate, annoy or otherwise torment any member will be means for immediate dismissal from this group.

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