Reflecting On My Steemit Week...

"Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action."
- Peter Drucker -

"Friends, followers, and voters,

lend me your ears..."

What have I written for Steemit this week?

Some days, I feel as though my work here is just so much "sound and fury, signifying nothing."

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I continue to tell myself,

along with anyone who will listen, that the true value of my writing here on Steemit is its archival quality.

One of the primary beauties and attractions of Steemit is the hope that its blockchain will continue to exist and be accessible far into the future. I am encouraged to think that my descendants may one day be able to read and consider what I've had to say.

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Image courtesy of Gerd Altmann and

Still, I can't help but wish for higher rewards.

I really do "write my heart out" here. I also know (because I miss much myself) that my readers and followers surely miss some of my better or even best work. So this is a brief re-cap of what you may have missed this week.

I don't know about you,

but there have been times I have discovered a real gem of an article, and have been able to do no more than leave a comment lamenting the fact that I didn't get there an hour or a day sooner to up-vote it!

So I'm going to list these in chronological order. That will give you the best chance to possibly reward me.

Far be it from me to beg for votes.

However, if you happen to spot an article from the last week that you somehow missed, and if you really and truly enjoy and appreciate it now that you've had a chance to read it... Well, you know what to do... ;)

My articles this week were eclectic as usual:

It's too late now to boost my rewards for this one, but I don't want you to miss it. This is one of my occasional forays into science, all about the size of the universe.

The Universe: Now, ✨Ten Times Bigger!✨

I find the size of the universe hard to grasp... How about you?

Here's one of my occasional bits of poetry. Actually, my second-ever sonnet.

"Good God, Why Me?" - A Sonnet

The STEEMIT User Interface - Some Comments, and A Feature Request

Once in a while, I write about Steemit... this was one of those times.

I write about surfing a lot, as it is one of the joys of my life. Read this one with caution, however; you may need a strong stomach.

My Worst Surfing Injury

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You may or may not be a Christian.

My readers and followers come from all walks of life, for which I am grateful. What good is "preaching to the choir," anyway? I am convinced that I have much to learn from almost everyone, and that you may be able to learn and appreciate a thing or two from me, whether or not you are a Christian.

Here's an entry in my popular "Curmudgeon's Bible" series. In this series I complain bitterly about bible translator faux pas.

The Curmudgeon's Bible - "The Man of Lawlessness"

I've been trying to publish something explicitly Christian or at least theological on Sundays lately. I try to set Sunday aside as for the most part a day of rest, and so if I'm going to publish something for Steemit on Sunday, I need to get it ready in advance. To be honest, that has been a bit of a struggle!

Another "True Life Surfing" story, this may belong in "Ripley's Believe It or Not."

"My Surfboard Sings To Me"

I had to dredge up memories almost fifty years old to write this true story from my college days.

I Met Jim Lovell, Apollo Astronaut

I worked hard on it, and received a lovely comment from @marxrab. She said:

"I think this is one of my favorite stories you've told. I could tell this was one of the best moments of your life."

Thanks, friend!

Those are my reflections this week.

I hope you may have found (and perhaps voted for?) something really good that you otherwise may have missed.

Table of Contents

Image courtesy of skeeze and

I appreciate you as a reader.

My goal is to continue writing quality content for you to enjoy. Thanks so much for being here!


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Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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