Laxmi & Ganesha 9.85 Gram Silver Round

It's been a while since I shared a piece of silver from my silver collection, so I am long overdue to post another.

But first, I would like to share some tantential information which will allow a better appreciation for the symbolism on this silver round.

Several Eastern religions are frequently grouped together as "Hinduism" because they share some deep similarities, despite some big differences. If one digs deeply into the scriptures, one of the similarities is that all the Hindu religions believe in One Deity that expresses itself in countless ways. So, all of the different "Gods" and "Goddesses" are simply different aspects, or manifestations, of The One. It is no different than how the scriptures of the Jews and Christians claim that their version of deity appeared as a "burning bush" to Moses, a disembodied hand writing on the wall in the story of Daniel, and manifested as a "still, small voice"  to Elijah — again, One God with many manifestations.

This silver round features two depictions of deity on the obverse (front). On the left is Laxmi, that aspect of The One who bestows Spiritual Abundance, and on the right is Ganesha, that aspect of The One who helps devotees deal with obstacles.


Written in the beautiful Devanagari script across the top are the words:

शुभ लाभ

Many thanks to @steemflow for his kindness in translating those words at the top for me. He says that "Shubh Labh" can be broken-down with Shubh = "Good-luck," and Labh = "Benefit." The first word "Shubh" can also be translated as "Pure" and "Auspicious." These words, and sometimes pictures of Laxmi and/or Ganesha, often appear near the entrance of shops along with other symbols (or near the gates/doors of homes) as a prayer for blessings upon the shop or home. Thank you for providing this information, @steemflow 😊

As a devotee of Ma-Devi as well, I also have a picture of Laxmi-Ma in the front room of my house. I might make a photo of Her sometime and share it here.

On the reverse side are the words "Shubh Labh" again, at the top, and "999" at the bottom which indicates 99.9% Fine Silver content.


Here is a closeup, showing more detail of Laxmi and Ganesha.


I'm not sure why, but this lovely silver round weighs-in at 9.85 grams on my scale. It seems odd that it wasn't an even 10 grams, but perhaps 9.85 grams is equivalent to another unit of measure in the world of precious metals...? If anyone has any ideas, please let me know!



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