Spectrum Economics reaches 200 followers

Hello Steemit Community,


I would like to thank all my followers as well as anyone else who has shown their support for the Spectrum Economics Steemit page by upvoting, commenting, and resteeming my posts.

This is still only the beginning of my Steemit journey. I have many more posts, blogs, and videos to come.

The focus of the Spectrum Economics Steemit page will be economics with the occasional surprises here and there of possibly something different but this will be rare. Still, keep your eyes open.

Topics I will be focusing on in the weeks and months to come will be my dark side of economics series (this can get quite controversial in places), economics is everywhere series (a brighter note to balance some of the dark stuff), as well as Vegan Economics.

Vegan Economics is the working title of the book I’m writing. This book will look at economics from the perspective of all sentient beings rather than just that of humans. The Vegan Economics posts will mostly contain short segments or summaries of chapters in progress. This is to just give the readers a feel of what is come. This whole experience is very exciting and I hope to be able to bring all of you along on this journey.

Again I would like to thank the Steemit community. I look forward to reading more of your comments. I also look forward to reading more great posts out there as well.


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