It's a TWOFER - Celebrating a YEAR+ and 2000+ Followers on Steemit!

After a slightly discouraged post yesterday,

I came home today to a startling and happy realization:

“Celebrate what you want to see more of.” - Tom Peters -

Apparently while I was sleeping,

my number of "Steemit Followers" crossed the 2,000 mark!

Two Thousand Followers?

You've got to be kidding me... That's a whole lot of followers.

Let's see now, if even 10% of you voted for my articles... That would be...

Oops, I'd have to take my shoes off to count that high... 😀😊😉

But wait, there's more...

Two thousand followers is just the most recent milestone, the one I hit just today...

Table of Contents

CELEBRATE my Steemit Anniversary With Me!
Image courtesy of frank mckenna and

I've been putting off celebrating my Steemit anniversary...

I actually joined Steemit over a year ago, sometime in August 2016, but I haven't really celebrated that yet...

Guess I've been hanging back, waiting for that magic 2K follower milestone.

It seems like just yesterday my follower count was in the 1980's... So it caught me by surprise today!

It has been a wild, wooly, wonderful year here on Steemit.

Many ups and downs here, but I'd say there have been far more positives than negatives.

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Steemit is VERY COOL!
Image courtesy of Collin Armstrong and

Being my eclectic self,

I've written a little bit about everything, and a lot about some things (like surfing, and theology, and liberty).

If you're not familiar with my work, please do take a month or two to visit My Most Recent, Comprehensive Steemit Library.

Steemit Patrons have come and gone.

Nevertheless, I appreciate every one.

I of course appreciate "the dearly departed," because in times past you helped me pad my Steemit wallet. However, I especially appreciate those of you who have "stuck with me," who support my work on a regular basis. I am particularly indebted to those who have had enough confidence in me to sic your voting robots on me.

Thanks a lot for all you have done and continue to do!

Finally, those of you who actually read my articles and interact with me frequently in the "Replys" section are my special friends and treasures. You are the people I most often write for. Your feedback fuels my muse.

THANK YOU so much! And please let me know what you'd like to see more of from me?

What's the very best part of my first year on Steemit?

The wonderful friends I've made here. People that have "stuck it out" with me, voting for me, cheering me up when I've been discouraged, interacting with my writing. You know who you are...

And should you be curious to know who they are, just browse the many wonderful "Replies" to my articles.

Thank you, one and all, for a really blessed year. :D

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Steemingly, It's Been A Great Year...
Image courtesy of Kristopher Roller and

Thanks to you, my readers,

I'm still here after more than a year, and I look forward to what this next year will bring for Steemit and all my Steemian friends.

P.S. - By the way,

If you are one of my "dearly departed" supporters, and happen to be reading this:

THANK YOU for your past support!

May I impose on your kindness one last time?

I would greatly appreciate it if you'd tell me if there was a particular reason that you stopped reading and supporting my work? I would very much like to learn from my mistakes, and (if possible) try to remedy them.

Thanks so much!


Everyone loves a good story. For more stories from life and otherwise,
Visit our Library "Stories Shelf" by CLICKING the Shelf Below:

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LOOK! Check out our amazing product:
Introducing: The SILVERengines proton - Image by @creatr

Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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