Nitrous v1.0.11, Autoclaim on Jan 22

GitHub Release

  • Merged upstream changes, which is mostly cleanup and minor issues.
  • Resolved JS security warnings for dependencies.

New Features

  • Tag Feed Header. Tribes can customize a message (markdown format) for a given tag, shown above the posts. See file src/app/utils/TagFeedHeaderMap.js
  • Vote List and breakdown in feed views (was already there in steemcoinpan)
  • Show token circulation/burn info in the side bar. Initially by @realmankwon and ported to a few others by @voltair


  • POST_FOOTER config misbehaves for footers with an <hr> block (markdown link doesn't render). Use the triple dash with line break ---\n instead. Some configs have already been modified accordingly.

All Autoclaim Notice

Autoclaim has been enabled for many tokens and has been running without issue, and it allows for a smoother overall experience when it comes to claims processing. For this reason we are looking to enable it across the board.

Planning to set autoclaim for all tokens on January 22, 2020 at around 01:00 UTC. Note that manual claims still work but are throttled to twice a day (if autoclaim did not trigger because the pending token is below the threshold).

Let me know if there are any questions or concerns about it.

30% beneficiary to @realmankwon, 15% beneficiary to @voltair

3 columns
2 columns
1 column