Splinterlands Bronze to Silver: New Abilities in The Fire Splinter


So based on the Reward Updates happening after the September 30th end of season, I thought to enumerate all the monsters that gain new abilities, if you're planning to move up from farming in Bronze to becoming more competitive in Silver.

Now, by no means is this an ultimate strategy guide, but I think it'd be good to share what monsters get new abilities when moving on up from Bronze. Take note that in Silver League, here are the mana caps of the monsters per rarity (your summoners also have to be leveled up):

Screenshot from Splinterlands.com

Here's a list of the monsters that get new abilities in the Fire Splinter from Bronze cap levels to Silver cap levels.


  1. Goblin Shaman
    • level 3 gets +1 magic attack
    • level 5 gets Slow ability (-1 speed all enemy monsters)
  2. Goblin Fireballer
    • level 5 gets Snare (100% chance to hit Flying enemies and removes Flying ability)
  3. Flame Monkey
    • level 5 gets Repair (Restores some armor to friendly monster whose armor has taken the most damage)
  4. Exploding Dwarf
    • level 3 gets Piercing (If Melee or Ranged attack damage is in excess of the target's Armor, the remainder will damage the target's Health)
  5. Ettin Spearman
    • level 3 gets Piercing (If Melee or Ranged attack damage is in excess of the target's Armor, the remainder will damage the target's Health)

Note: Yes, I understand that Bronze caps at Level 3, so technically both Exploding Dwarf and Ettin Spearman would already have this in Bronze league.


  1. Serpentine Soldier
    • level 4 gets Dodge (+25% Dodge vs melee/ranged)
  2. Pit Ogre
    • level 4 gets Enrage (x1.5 Melee attack and Speed when damaged)


  1. Fire Demon
    • level 3 gets Blast (Additional damage done to adjacent monsters equivalent to main damage divided by 2, rounded up)
  2. Serpent of the Flame
    • level 3 gets Poison (The Poison ability is triggered 50% of the time. Poison does 2 damage at the end of the turn and is not affected by shield or void)


  1. Elemental Phoenix
    • level 2 gets Blast (Additional damage done to adjacent monsters equivalent to main damage divided by 2, rounded up)
  2. Lord of Fire
    • level 2 gets Silence (Reduces the Magic Attack of all enemy Monsters)
  3. Magnor
    • level 2 gets Enrage (x1.5 Melee attack and Speed when damaged)
  4. Zalran Efreet
    • level 2 gets Cleanse (Removes all negative effects on the Monster in the first position on the friendly team)
  5. Caladuum
    • level 2 gets Cripple (Each time an enemy is hit by a Monster with Cripple it loses one max health)

Please let me know if there are any specific strategies in Silver for the Fire Splinter. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

I sincerely hope this helps you enjoy the game more and appreciate its depth and strategy. :)

Good luck, and may your rewards chests always contain gold foil legendaries.


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