[esp/eng]deporte de mi pais el coleo//sport of my country the coleo


Saludos apreciada familia de hive,gracias a Dios por los dias que nos regala,hoy quiero compartir con ustedes uno de los deportes de mi pais el coleo.
El coleo nacional se practica en mi pais desde hace mucho años,hoy compartia con mi abuelito la tarde de toros coleados en mi pueblo,esta se realizo en una manga con la estructura realizada con barandas de hierro de mas de trecientos metros de largo por cuatros de ancho.


Greetings, dear hive family, thank God for the days that he gives us, today I want to share with you one of the sports of my country, coleo.
The national coleo has been practiced in my country for many years, today I shared with my grandfather the afternoon of coleados bulls in my town, this was carried out in a sleeve with the structure made with iron railings of more than three hundred meters long by four wide.




Este deporte me cuenta mi abuelito que lo practican debido aque mi pais tiene estados ganaderos y los dueños de los toros para poder domarlos tenian que corre detras de ellos montados en un caballo cuando lograban alcanzarlo lo tomaban de la cola y lo jalaban para luego tumbarlos y es de hay donde empieza esta linda historia de este deporte que ahora es nacional en mi pais y tambien en otros.


This sport my grandfather tells me that they practice it because my country has livestock states and the owners of the bulls in order to tame them had to run behind them mounted on a horse when they managed to reach it they took it by the tail and pulled it and then knocked them down and This is where this beautiful history of this sport begins, which is now national in my country and also in others.




En mi pais este deporte lo practican cuando se realizan ferias en diferentes estados o campeonatos,lo practican los niños,jovenes,adultos y tambien las mujeres ,asisten muchas personas para observar este deporte donde participan los toros,caballos y la persona que es el coleador.
Espero que sea de su agrado y nuevamente le doy las gracias a @rocky1 por su apoyo en mis post igualmente a @spong bob,@pdq,@bcc,@waivio match ,@terminado y demas Dios los bendiga grandemente.


In my country this sport is practiced when there are fairs in different states or championships, it is practiced by children, youth, adults and also women, many people attend to observe this sport where bulls, horses and the person who is the collector participate .
I hope you like it and again I thank @rocky 1 for his support in my post, as well as @spong bob, @ pdq, @ bcc, @ waivio match, @ finished and others. God bless you greatly.



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