The Cylinder of Basel

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS)


Headquarters: Basel
Purpose: Central bank
Location: Basel, Switzerland (Extraterritorial jurisdiction)
Membership: Membership: 60 central banks
Founded: May 17, 1930
Number of employees: 600

Mission: To serve central banks in their pursuit of monetary and financial stability, to foster international cooperation in those areas and to act as a bank for central banks.

Disclaimer: Information here within is to be regarded as part of the @yangyanje blog publication, which you were referred from. Sections or individual terms or statements are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts, such as references remain uninfluenced by this fact. There are no conspiracy theories that involve the Illuminati, Black Nobility, the World Monarchs, Crown Council of 13, Committee of 300 and their Think Tank Groups such as the Trilateral Commission, only to name a few, that represent the 'Round Table' in this publication. The aim therefore is NOT to publish any ambiguous or controversial claims, but for readers to draw their own conclusions.


Bank for International Settlements- Global Finance in Disguise.

The BIS was created out of the Hague Agreements of 1930. Acting as Agent General for Repatriation in Berlin, the BIS handled the collection, administration and distribution of reparations from Germany. It was agreed during the Treaty of Versailles following World War I. The BIS was the sole issuer of the Dawes and Young Loans, which were used internationally to finance these repatriations.

After World War II, they implemented the World Bank's Bretton Woods System. During the 70s cross-border capital flows were controlled, monitored and a regulatory framework for internationally active banks was developed.

The BIS formed the International Monetary Fund where funding is provided through the IMF program to a country in crisis.

From 1979 to 1994, the BIS became the agent for the European Monetary System. This paved the way for a single European currency. The BIS was responsible for central bank cooperation in an effort to ensure a global monetary system with financial stability.

The role of the BIS is to act as trustee or agent in regard to international financial settlements under agreements of the parties concern. Most people don't know of it's existence. The BIS has six ex officio directors comprising the central bank Governors of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States.

In 2001 the right to hold shares in the BIS was limited exclusively to central banks. In 2016, 60 institutions had voting rights at the BIS General Meetings.

The BIS is the World's only bank that is protected by an international treaty. Thomas Harrington McKittrick was an American banker and president of the Bank for International Settlements during World War II. Per Jacobsson was a Swedish economist, and managing director of the International Monetary Fund from 21st November 1956 until his death in 1963. The Financial Stability Board is an international body that monitors and makes recommendations about the global financial system. It was established after the G20 London summit in April 2009 and holds annual meetings at the BIS in Basel.

Profits of a War Machine

The BIS origins lie in the United States. In New York City, individuals involved in international banking worked to establish a financial structure. Incorporating the American central banking system, Owen D. Young, J. Pierpont Morgan, Thomas W. Lamont, S. Parker Gilbert, Gates W. McGarrah worked with Jackson Reynolds who already planed extending this principle with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to the international internationally.

In 1922, Owen D. Young became chairman of General Electric. During the 1920s, Young became involved in international diplomacy as the foreign affairs spokesman for the Democratic Party. Young recommended Secretary of State Charles Evan Hughes to the Allied Reparations Commission in order to deal with the breakdown in Germany’s reparations payments following the First World War. Owen D. Young and Charles Dawes (Nobel Peace Prize in 1925) became responsible for Germany’s suspension of reparations payments it had to pay according to Paris Peace Treaty. They persuaded Russia’s former allies for large-scale foreign investments into the economy of the Third Reich. This lead to the militarisation of the German economy and breaches of Paris Treaty provisions for preparing the war.

Owen D. Young planned the creation of the Bank of international settlements.

The idea for an international bank had previously been explored by John Mayard Keynes. The idea although found it's stronghold during Young Conference in 1929. While the Allies were attempting to deal with Germany’s reparations debts for World War One.

In the 1930s industrialist kept feeding the Germany war machine with investments and credits. Young's Plan was settling German reparations debts after World War I, written in 1929. In 1930, it was presented by the committee headed (1929–30) by Owen D. Young, who concurrently served at board of trustees of Rockefeller Foundation. Charles Dawes involved in previous war reparations restructuring the arrangements. During the negotiations of central bankers and private actors, they were the first to point out flaws in the capital market. There was a strong demand to reorganise the German financial obligations. According to the plan, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) was created in 1930 to make Germany pay reparations to victors.

Professor Valentin Katasonov and Professor Antony Cyril Sutton

If I were to claim that we live in a socialist society, many would argue otherwise. All I do know is that when I look back at how things were, I wouldn't want to live until now if I was born a hundred years in the future. At the same time I find this current paradigm very exciting. I will write why. I would really like to quote Dr. Sutton:

"To eliminate freedom, one must first eliminate widespread knowledge of the truth."
- Dr. Antony C Sutton

Strategically important German companies were US financial capital. Some belonged to British investors. Strategically controlling Oil refinery, coal liquefaction, synthetic fuel production, chemistry, car building, aviation, electrical engineering, radio industry, and a large scale machine-building in Germany were property of Standard Oil (the Rockefellers). IG Farben AG chemical industry major was put under the control of the Morgan Group(totally 278 companies). American ITT owned almost half of the German telephone network and 30% of Focke Wulf. American General Electric took control of Radio and AEG, Siemens and the Osram electrical industry. General Electric and ITT became part of the Morgan’s empire. American Ford owned 100% of Volkswagen shares.

Using such instruments as the US Federal Reserve System and the Bank of England they started to prepare for the next world conflict of global scale right after WWI. The USSR was the target.

In May 1933 Hjalmar Schacht paid another visit to the United States. There he met with President Franklin Roosevelt and big bankers to reach a $1 billion credit deal. In June the same year Hjalmar Schacht visited London to hold talks with Montagu Norman. It all went down smoothly. The British agreed to grant a $2 billion loan. The British offered no objections related to the Germany’s decision to suspend debt payments.

Montagu Norman (Governor of the Bank of England from 1920 to 1944) and Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler’s finance minister moved the Czechoslovak gold that was held in London in a sub-account in the name of the Bank for International Settlements, the Basel-based bank for central banks.

The very same bankers who supported Hitler in 1931 supported Roosevelt at the presidential election.

The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) was a crucial institution during the Second World War. It was an outpost of American interests in Europe. Being the link between Anglo-American and German businesses, the BIS was a kind of offshore zone for cosmopolitan capital, providing a shelter. Wars, political processes, sanctions and other things could be carried out without suspicion. The BIS was created as a public commercial entity. It’s immunity from government interference and tax collection was guaranteed by an international agreement. This agreement was signed in the Hague in 1930.

Central banks such as Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium and some private banks were among the founders of the BIS. The Federal Bank of New York propelled the establishment of the BIS, but wasn't listed as a founder. The Morgan Empire, Federick Reynolds from the National Bank of New York and Melvin Traylor from the First National Bank of Chicago were representing the US. Private banks from Japan and 19 European central Banks joined the BIS between 1931-1932. Gates W. McGarrah, who was a banker of the Rockefeller’s clan became the first chairman on board of the BIS. Representing the Morgan clan, he was later replaced by Leon Fraser. Thomas H. McKittrick also American became president during the war years.

The Bank of International Settlements has been a correspondent to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York since Pearl Harbor. What ever gold the Nazis seized, Switzerland became the place where gold seized by Germany was transported for storage. Charles Higham wrote in his book Trading With The Enemy: An Expose of The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949 that the Nazi's transferred $378 million into Bank of International Settlement accounts.

Recently declassified materials of Bank of England reveal lies of government officials to cover up themselves and the activities of the BIS and the Bank of England. They coordinated a joint venture of criminal activities thanks to Montagu Norman, the head of Bank of England, who served as the chairman on the board of BIS. His sympathy for fascists was never a secret, as he was very public about it.

The Bretton Woods Conference, AKA the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference was held at the Mount Washington Hotel situated in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA. It was called in to regulate the international monetary and financial order after the conclusion of World War II. During the 1 to 22 July 1944 the Bank of International Settlements hit the agenda and it's collaboration with fascist Germany. The delegates reached an agreement and actually decided to close the BIS. Instead they agreed on the creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) thanks to Mr. Keynes. Also an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (BRD), that became part of the World Bank was formed. The history of the second World War was falsified because most of this information remained classified until recently.

"Germany received a large number of military patents from American firms Pratt and Whitney”, “Douglas”, “Curtis Wright”, and American technology was building the “Junkers-87”. In 1941, when the Second world war was raging, American investments in the economy of Germany amounted to $475 million. “Standard oil” invested – 120 million, “General motors” – $35 million, ITT — $30 million, and “Ford” — $17.5 million. The close financial and economic cooperation of Anglo-American and Nazi business circles was the background against which, in the 30’s, a policy of appeasement led to world war II."

Yuri Rubtsov professor in historical sciences.

Monetary Value and Fiat Currency

At the start of World War II, the BIS ushered into the darkest period. The most shameful episodes in the history of finance. Switzerland being so called 'neutral', Basel became an international oasis for global finance.

The USD became the new global currency. An exchange system was created. The USA agreed to to set the price of gold to $35 an ounce. A currency for warfare or manipulation became non-essential which would have been a threat for the BIS. The IMF became the center of the global financial order. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (BRD) became part of the World Bank. Why was the BIS still needed?

In LeBor’s telling, the BIS, an obscure “bank for central banks”, “the most important bank in the world,” the BIS is an institution with virtually no accountability. “for decades it has stood at the center of a global network of money, power and covert global influence.”

The BIS and it's directors sold Nazi gold, which funded the Third Reich throughout the war. Emil Puhl, the Reichsbank vice president called the BIS the only foreign branch of the Reichsbank. At the Bretton Woods, the Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau and Harry Dexter White sought to liquidate the BIS. The BIS's powerful allies, including John Maynard Keynes, intervened.

Designed to trade gold, foreign exchange and asset management to central banks, the BIS survived its controversial history. It's original purpose was war reparations. Maintaining the gold standard was imposed at Bretton Woods. In 1960s and onwards on, the BIS helped lay the groundwork for the European Monetary Union. Commonly known is that the European Monetary Institute, and then later the European Central Bank in Frankfurt became the administers of monetary policy within the Eurozone.

Rockefeller briefly

The regime of Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran decided to nationalise the British-owned oil holdings in 1951. The former Standard Oil lawyer Allen W. Dulles, who happened to be the CIA director at the time flew to Switzerland to organise the covert overthrow of the Mossadegh regime. The restoration of the Shah to the throne of Iran was then established. Switzerland?

The Bilderberg Group was founded in 1954 in the Netherlands. 130 of the political, financial, military, academic and media elites from North America and Western Europe were drawn in as their Network. Participants included representatives of the largest corporations in the world. Oil companies like Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum and international bankers such as David Rockefeller.

It is also important to connect the dots of Eugene Black, head of the World Bank during the Kennedy administration. When Black was replaced by George D. Woods in 1962. Woods was chairman of the First Boston Corporation. Woods followed the interests of the Rockefeller's being a director of the Chase International Investment Corp.

The meeting that set to escalate the Vietnam War was held in July 1965. Lyndon Johnson’s designated foreign policy and military officials had three key unofficial advisers: Clark M. Clifford, the chairman of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and an attorney for the du Ponts and the Morgan-dominated General Electric Co.; Arthur H. Dean, a partner in Rockefeller-oriented Sullivan & Cromwell and a director of the CFR; and the ubiquitous John J.McCloy.

The Ronald Reagan administration's challenge was to erect the Rockefeller-Morgan power in the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) and to the Rockefeller-created Trilateral Commission. David Rockefeller, chairman of the board of the Chase Manhattan Bank since 1970 established the Trilateral Commission back in 1973. During the Truman administration, John J. McCloy was president of the World Bank. Being the US high commissioner for Germany, he was also an adviser to President John F. Kennedy. McCloy previously being at the Wall Street corporate law firm of Milbank, Tweed, Hope, Hadley & McCloy, had long served the legal counsel for the Rockefeller family and the Chase Bank.

Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy by Professor
Murray N. Rothbard from the Mises institute.

BIS during the 1960s and 70s

The BIS remained stable until the 1960s and 70s. With a massive increase of international trade and economic growth, the convertibility at fixed exchange rates became difficult to maintain. The Bretton Woods system began collapsing in August of 1971. This Bretton Woods agreement was disrupted in 1973. Due to the increased mobility of capital in the international market it had developed too many cracks. Through a system called "managed floating", a flexibility in exchange rates was permitted within given parameters. As European currency markets grew, OPEC countries bought into European currency markets.

In 1974, the Bankhaus Herstatt in Germany and the Franklin National Bank in the United States collapse showcased a lack of supervision for international banking activities. The Group of Ten (G10), central bank governors created the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) under the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

The Latin American debt crisis of 1982 revealed that undercapitalised banks can be overexposed to sovereign risks. A new form of free markets operating under regulation and supervision of supranational organisations (BIS, 2017). Any actions affecting the IFS were audited by the G10 and the Board of Central Bank Governors (BCBG) at BIS as well as IMF.

IMF, BIS, and World Bank: On the Intra-institutional Articulation of the International Financial System by
Fatima Previdelli Universidade Federal do Maranhão

The so called 'Round Table' has it's Think Tanks and deserve more research. These are:

  • Bilderberg Group

  • Trilateral Commission

  • RIIA/Chatham House

  • Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

  • Club Of Rome (COR)

  • United Nations

Club Of Rome (COR)

The Club of Rome was founded in April 1968 and deals with international politics. It's mission is : “to act as a global catalyst for change through the identification and analysis of the crucial problems facing humanity and the communication of such problems to the most important public and private decision makers as well as to the general public.” On the 1 July 2008, the organisation moved it's headquarters to Winterthur, Switzerland

United Nations Organisation

The UNO was founded in 1945 after World War II to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue. Hence a foundational treaty called the The Charter of the United Nations was formed in 1945. The United Nations contains multiple subsidiary organisations to carry out its missions. The International Court of Justice (the primary judicial organ); and the United Nations Trusteeship Council (which is currently inactive). Other prominent UNO System agencies include the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) or Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), World Health Organisation (WHO), the World Food Programme (WFP), World Trade Organisation (WTO), World Bank (WB), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and many others.

Click, in case you are more interested in the FAO, here are two links for good sources: CODEX ALIMENTARIUS Part 1,



As I provoke readers to draw their own conclusions, there are various correlations that prove connections that make up an order for a global financial system and a global government. Whether a global Elite has malevolent intentions or not, control our money and food supply, health etc. through corporations or have a covert agenda is besides the point here. The aim of making these correlations is for you to draw your conclusions based on the connections you can make.


In our age, Information has become a valuable commodity for corporations to monetise on. Such corporations include Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple and many more. As much as energy and resources are a target for such corporations aiming to monopolise, it becomes easier to connect the dots. Elon Musk's Neurotech start up 'Neuralink' and this person in general has been one of the most questionable figures in our current age. Not just because he probably must have known some very shady people during Paypal times. What he is into, is definitely rocket science. Just think about the man when thanking him that humans will soon live on mars, but also when imagining that maybe most children of kids today might possible get chipped.

Living in Switzerland most of my life and traveling feels like i'm a part of live stock moving to different barns. Let's face it, if you didn't know otherwise, it's hard to imagine heterogeneous concepts in a world of groupthink and widespread knowledge as inaugurated ideals. I believe it is crucial for anyone to question these orthodox notions in our society with a strong moral standpoint and decorous ethical intentions. I have made some assertions in previous posts and will have a continuation in my next article posts.


The portal to Zion

Referring to the city in 'The Matrix'

In 2008 an entity or group of anonymous mathematicians created an open source software that would revolutionise everything. The implications of this are as tremendous as the invention of the internet itself. After it had gone live, it was already on the internet and spread everywhere. There was no way of turning it off. Before the authorities were able to discern what was happening, it was to late.

Satoshi Nakamoto created A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. When the first block was mined, a message appeared "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks". The Times published what they think it meant. This points out the flaws of fractional reserve banking and refers to the economic crisis of 2008.

Bitcoin became a technology underpinning the revolution that possibly marks the biggest paradigm in human economic history. Who would have thought that the exchange of value without coercion, would raise that very single epistemology of whether we were truly free to exchange assets globally beyond given frameworks, but it also gave us a different viewpoint of many other traditions we are accustomed to. Well, we still aren't able to remit funds to some countries, namely the so called World's biggest democracy. When central banks implemented quantitive easing they eradicated their monopoly against the largest monetary and fiscal policy in history.

What the internet did to information is what DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) will do to money. It's inevitable, as we watch the previous paradigm crumble through a global progress, we are given enormous responsibility at the same time. I believe people will look back at coercive systems that inhibited the exchange of moral values like imagining a world without the internet or one in where information was privatised. Whether a covert order of population control occurred or not doesn't matter. There are global challenges at hand that we can NOW face together as one species, one group and one family. Social Equity, Our Environment and Climate Change, Resource Management, Emissions, Alternative Energy Solutions and much more can be tackled and solved.

DLT gave rise to the D-Economy. A world of people that are now unplugged from the system. Are we truly? A revolution that lets us take things in our own hands as communities. Born out of the D-Economy in 2016 is, which is a social experiment of De-Corporation. As Steemians make revenue, one can see them mobilising communities and initiatives such as @ecotrain, @tribesteemup, @naturalmedicine, @earthtribe, @homesteaderscoop, @mindfullife, @freedomtribe and many more...

I honoured to be a great supporter of these communities and would appreciate the permission to use all of their images in my footer.

Thank you for reading.

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Untainted, do not compare. Think nothing but see; Only if you feel the unexplored world inside of you, can you discover the beauty of essence... - Soan Shinobi a @yangyanje original (inspired by a SGM with @bewithbreath)

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