β€œSilver Cycles" Strategy of Buying, Selling and Holding Silver – 18MY20 – β€˜Captain’s Chartwork!’


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*Trend Lines: 2:2*


Last times:



"Tois things define yer personality, th' way ye manage things when ye hav naethin', an' th' ways ye behave when ye havs everythin'!"



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**Disclaimer:** "Ahh'm nae a precious metals advisor, nor do Ahh wants ta be. Ahh'm jist a dedicated silvers stacker in search of hodden silver an' adventure! Any attempt ta paint me otherwise will likely get you *rin-through!"* - Keptin Joshua Slane

*"Honor the patterns and move against the trend lines!

Patience, self-discipline and tenacity wins the long game!"*

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