Elon Musk — A “Visionary”

Just two days ago I have send a nice (and very expensive) fireworks organized with American taxpayers’ money, and Elon, the big “visionary”, came up with another show — bullet-proof electric truck!

Don’t fool yourself − Elon Musk is not just a space con artist. His abilities are much greater! Remember, this is the man who destroyed PayPal idea long before he started to destroy “space vehicles”… or the Earth electric vehicles. Here is a presentation of his new Cybertruck with the “bullet-proof” Tesla Armor Glass… Just go to 7:55 if you do not wish to listen “visionary” bull***t:

Duration: 18:32

Before you cry out that I have wasted 18:32 minutes of your life, and that you could see everything important in just 5 minutes, keep reading, because this reading can save your life!

OK, no big deal…

Every other internal combustion engine car has windows like that. Who cares. Cybertruck costs only $39,900 in the minimal configuration, and at least you can’t burn in it as you can in his Space(hoa)X ‘vehicles’, right? WRONG! Musk’s electric cars are as safe as it is their battery. Just ask Dominik Freymuth from Walchsee in Tirol, Austria. He is former owner and lucky survivor of the Tesla e-car − yes, the one in the background:

Duration: 5:26, language: German

Yes, but that is certainly an isolated case. Or at least very rare. You wish… Does it seem suspicious that Musk’s Tesla stocks are falling despite his “brilliant” ideas? And if the fire does not get you − Tesla Autopilot certainly will:

Duration: 3:28

OK, no big deal II…

Someone has to pay the price of progress, right? That’s the natural way of capitalism! It really doesn’t matter if you are fried, smashed or shot, as long as you have paid that measly $39,900 (in the minimal configuration) to Elon Musk, the great “visionary”…

Enjoy your ride!

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