What Do You Think of Sacred Geometry?


Are you familiar with Sacred Geometry?

It has many different meanings and interpretations from religious, to spiritual, to natural. I rather like the natural aspect of it (via Wikipedia):

According to Stephen Skinner, the study of sacred geometry has its roots in the study of nature, and the mathematical principles at work therein. Many forms observed in nature can be related to geometry; for example, the chambered nautilus grows at a constant rate and so its shell forms a logarithmic spiral to accommodate that growth without changing shape. Also, honeybees construct hexagonal cells to hold their honey. These and other correspondences are sometimes interpreted in terms of sacred geometry and considered to be further proof of the natural significance of geometric forms.

Today I searched YouTube for "Sacred Geometry drawing exercises" and found ways to draw all kinds of interesting things.

The "golden spiral" is one of them:


You can find these patterns all throughout nature, including the shells I recently collected at Ocean Park in Puerto Rico (the last time I was there, I got three of these shells!):


Sacred geometry has all kinds of interesting patterns and shapes. You can learn to draw them with nothing more than a compass and a straight edge with just an afternoon on YouTube.

I did all of these today:




Metatron's cube is a really interesting one:


What I'm most interested in is the Sri Yantra. Two months ago I did a DTube video on Prototype for a Daily Sri Yantra Meditation and Education Tool. I've since updated that tool to use an SVG image instead of old-school image maps. You an see it working on your desktop here: https://sri-yantra.lukestokes.info/

Today was the first time I ever tried to draw the Sri Yantra using this video tutorial which, oddly enough, has a computer voice. I messed up a few times, but eventually got through it start to finish, while my first attempt was actually more precise than my second attempt. Here are some of the pictures through the process:






Viewed up against my light box:


My second attempt had a four triangles slightly off.


My first successful attempt after a couple of full failures is probably the best one:


So what does all this mean and why did I create a Sri Yantra meditation tool? I don't really know yet. Maybe this is important. Maybe it means something (those who have seen Close Encounters will get this reference).

Or maybe it's just mashed potatoes because humans love to find patterns and give them meaning (those who have seen UHF will get this reference).

Or maybe... maybe this shape which some claim is 12,000 years old has some important meaning which we are meant to discover.

What do you think? Have you looked into any of this sacred geometry stuff? What does it mean to you?

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, programmer, STEEM witness, DAC launcher, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Learn about cryptocurrency at UnderstandingBlockchainFreedom.com

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