Brain Pollution - Can Recognizing Propaganda Protect You From It?

I was watching this TV series the other night, called "See", about how in the future, humanity will be blind because of a virus (haha). Anyway, it's a mediocre, trope-ridden series that passes the time, and of course, the hope of humanity lies with sighted children who are not only black, but gay, also. Now, that's such an obvious one, it's not even worth talking about, but it got me thinking...

See, most of the time, I'm aware I'm seeing propaganda. On social media, in the news, in movies. And I used to think that made it alright, that it somehow made me immune. But what if it doesn't?

We're told that we are what we eat, and if you keep consuming mainstream lies, do you eventually start believing them? I feel this is a tricky question. If we're talking about the news, then that can't really work, because ignoring mainstream propaganda topples over into ignorance, and that's perilous. You need to know what the current story is, even if it's deceitful. Precisely because it's deceitful. So there, not listening isn't an option.

But what about social media? What about pop culture?


I notice this in myself, this notion that just because I know I'm being manipulated, that somehow prevents me being manipulated. For example, many of us seem to agree that social media is a cancerous waste of time meant to weaken and dilute our minds and our creativity. And yet, we continue to use it, often falling prey to the same easy manipulation schemes that apply to everyone else.

Same with movies. I'll watch a movie, think "oh, well, this bit obviously is token propaganda", but keep on watching. So the question is, does my realizing I'm being lied to prevent me from swallowing the lie? Or would I just be better off turning off the movie?

See, what annoys me most about Netflix-type garbage is that they serve you sub-par plots, laden with all the hip, liberal movements. It can hardly be considered a movie if it doesn't contain Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, lesbians, transgender, and of course, a couple of digs at Donald Trump, always welcome. And somehow, they trick you into thinking that's okay. You don't need a good story, as long as you appease all the little cults. And you keep consuming this garbage. Until your expectations are lowered to garbage level.

I think this adversity to actually turn off the movie, social media, the news, or what have you, has to do with not wanting to make yourself an outcast. Denying yourself access to the mainstream implicitly cuts you off from society. Sooner or later, you're forced to say "Oh, I don't use Instagram, since I think it's a tool used to dumb you down and give you petty, common herd desires and goals". When someone recommends a movie, you'll say "Oh, I don't watch Netflix, as it's largely an indoctrination liberal tool."

You sound like a madman, and yes, I don't think that should keep you from maintaining integrity, either. Yet we are social creatures, and being pushed out of society because of these beliefs is dreaded.

Anyway, I guess the question is, can you consume garbage, knowing it's garbage, and not be affected? Or do the lies and the agendas eventually get to you, in spite of your recognizing them for what they are?

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