Not Another 3D Printing Post

Happy Hump Day!

Hope everyone is having a great week. I haven't made a 3D printing post in a little while, so I figured it's a little over due. I've taken a liking to LeoFinance and have been thoroughly enjoying my time there. However, I am not giving up on Peakd. The LeoDex tool is amazing though, honestly. What have I been up to? A lot. New job, getting ready to move, and much more. I've been doing a lot of exploring into Universal Basic Income. Anyway. You might have an idea that I'm a bit of a nerd.

Quite a shocker right? I play D&D and spend 90% of my time messing with cryptocurrency. So in a recent D&D adventure, my party and I encountered an ancient black dragon. I can't remember the name for the life of me, but I needed a reminder. Found some pretty cool models on Thingiverse and decided to print a big one. The model I found was for a small D&D model so I scaled it ridiculously large and printed with a couple different colors. Used up the last of a rainbow spool and had to switch to silver in the middle so it looks interesting.


Here's the print before cleanup. It tried really hard to fail after a solid 24 hours of printing. It only came out a little bit deformed, so I can accept it.




One of the wings kinda fucked up and it tried really hard to completely fail. But my trusty Ender 3 Pro made it happen regardless. Had to use the "toss it in the freezer for and hour or 2" to get it off the print bed because of the large base.

I like the timelapse.

The timelapse came out awesome. I love the animated style as opposed to the stationary extruder. You can clearly see the support failure happen and the recovery. I love it.

Thanks for reading, watching.


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