Tembelekan Flower

Hello hive'r
Happy Greetings 😀😀

Tembelekan or lantana is a type of herbaceous plant originating from the Americas, who knows who brought it to Indonesia?

This plant lives in tropical areas such as Indonesia. In Indonesia, this tembelakan plant grows wild on the side of the road in the village area.

Although this plant grows wild, it has very beautiful flowers. The flowers of this lantana plant grow in clusters and have a variety of colors. The flowers are compound flowers arranged in a short grain and the flowers emerge from the leaf axils.

Actually this plant can be planted as an ornamental plant, a hedge plant that grows chronically. beautiful tembelekan when flowering, but if it has not flowered this plant like a shrub or bush.

Although tembelekan is considered a wild plant, this plant is also useful as a herbal medicine that can be used starting from the roots, flowers and leaves. Tembelekan roots can treat glandular tuberculosis, influenza, rheumatism and vaginal discharge, tembelekan flowers can treat tuberculosis by coughing up blood and asthma, while the leaves are used as medicine for skin diseases, swelling, boils, high fever, itching, rheumatism and bruising.

That's just my brief explanation of the tembelekan or lantana plant, hopefully it can be useful for all of you friends, that's all and thank you.

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