Mokdan, a flower that symbolizes wealth and glory.

Also known as blackberry or peony, this flower is Since ancient times, it has been used as a symbol of wealth and wealth, It is a widely used flower.

If it is a peony, it was published in an old Korean textbook. Young-Rang Kim's poetry. Until the peonies bloom, a poem called appears in my head One of the verses of this poem cried by teenage girls ((Three hundred and sixty days, Hanyang is sad) It is a delicious poem that is not yet forgotten.

In fact, if you take a closer look, you are blessed and generous. She is a flower like a housewife with a heart

Perhaps because of the feeling that comes from the shape of the flowers, it seems to have been a symbol.

Maybe just this from me for today, we will meet again on another day of course in another theme and thank you very much for reading my article. Don't forget to follow me @tuha.peut and then upvote my post. If you like my post visit to my blog.

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