Sweet Potato Bread Pudding

Hello! So finally, I was able to sit and talk with my mother about how she made the sweet potato bread pudding we had last week. The sweet potato she used in this recipe was harvested in our backyard garden. It was an unexpected surprise that we have grown sweet potatoes in our garden.

-> Harvested Sweet Potatoes in Our Garden After A Year! <-

She told me that she would be frying the sweet potatoes for breakfast but then I was surprised to her making bread pudding and told me that she added the sweet potatoes in it. I didn't know she was going to make bread pudding and if I didn't come to the kitchen, I wouldn't know what the sweet potato's fate have been! My mother was already drizzling cashew on bread pudding mixture and was about to put them in the oven when I get to the kitchen.



♥ Loaf Bread
♥ Sweet Potatoes
♥ Egg
♥ Evaporated Milk
♥ Sugar
♥ Vanilla Extract
♥ Raisin
♥ Cashew Nuts


#1 Slice the bread in small pieces and in bowl, marinate the bread with milk, egg, and sugar. Then mix until the bread gets crushed.

#2 Boil the sweet potatoes and peel the skin. And then mush before adding into the bread pudding mixture.

#3 Add raisins into the mixture.

#4 Line the baking pan with wax paper and then pour the bread pudding mixture. Drizzle some cashew nuts on top.



#5 Put in the oven until the bread pudding gets baked. You can check by poking the bread with a toothpick. If the toothpick is clean and has no residue of the pudding after pulling it out, you're bread pudding is now ready and you can already take it out from the oven.

The cashew nuts on the rectangle baking pan was burnt but at least the bread is still looking good.



The bread pudding looked nice and appetizing after getting baked. I'm glad it wasn't burnt. For the taste, it tastes delicious just like how my mother makes the bread puddings we had in the past. However, I couldn't find any taste of sweet potato in it. I don't know if that's good news or bad news for me. I didn't like the idea of adding sweet potato in bread pudding but half of me was also sad for not finding the taste of it in the bread.

I also didn't like raisins so I have to scrape each raisin I find in my bread while eating it. I'm the only one in the family who doesn't like raisins so I couldn't demand for raisins to be excluded in a recipe. I just set them aside on the plate when I found some of them in my food. Good thing there were cashew nuts on top of the bread pudding!

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