Mushroom Monday - More Night Mushrooms

Here is a batch of mushrooms for #mushroommonday from an old Wisconsin camping trip.

This one is a Reddish Brown Bitter Bolete aka Tylopilus rubrobrunneus. They are edible but bitter so the only way to use these is to pickle them. Once pickled they kind of resemble a green olive taste.

Here is the start of a Lactarius piperatus aka peppery milk cap.

These are super spicy. They are technically edible but the taste is like a concentrated black pepper and cayenne pepper taste. The only use I've found for them is to powder them then use the powder as a hot spice for soups or potentially sprinkled on chicken to add spice. Tons of these grow during the summer too bad they are generally too hot to eat.

Here is a strange looking polypore.

Here it is from the top. I believe these are a young Picipes badius.

Here is a huge cluster of mushrooms. I believe they might be a type of flammula mushroom.

Here are the same mushrooms with a puffball on the left and a strange greenish mushroom on the lower right. It seemed kind of like a cup fungi in texture.

Now for an unidentified orange bolete of some kind.

Here is the bottom, also very orange but with a really skinny stem. Very strange for a bolete.

I believe these are a type of clitocybe possibly Clitocybe compressipes.

Now for a weird one. This is Spinellus fusiger a weird fuzzy mold that grows on top of mycena mushrooms. It is called bonnet mold because it is usually found on mycena mushrooms, it sometimes grows on other mushrooms as well.

Now for another weird mold on top of fungi. This is called bolete eater with a latin name of Hypomyces chrysospermus. If it gets too humid and hot this mold starts infecting boletes, usually only in patches on the cap. In this case the whole mushroom is infected poor thing who knows what kind of bolete it could have grown into...

That's all for #mushroommonday thanks for looking :-)

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