Wednesday Walk: Mesa Temple Gardens

This morning I went to take pictures at sunrise at the Mesa Arizona Temple. I will be posting more about it on Dec. 12th.

This post is about my morning walk around the gardens. If you have ever been to a temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints you will know that the gardens are beautiful and impressive.

The plants and flowers change with the seasons and really help one feel peace and tranquility and see the hand of God in his creations.

According to

The 20 acres are adorned all year long with 100,000 plants and 30,000 flowers of about 100 different varieties. 1

This morning I walked around the north end of the temple.

It is nice to see some local desert landscape!

I took lots of pictures of the agave!

There are different types of gardens spread throughout the 20 acres.

There are also places to sit and contemplate.

This set of pictures was taken closest to the main road on the north side.

It was a beautiful day to be out for sunrise and I really enjoy walking around the temple.

Note: Pictures taken with Google Pixel phone.
Google Fit recorded: 0.41 miles and 42 minutes

Personal 30 Day Challenge- Day 8

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