New Macro Lens Trial

Hello everyone

Few days ago, I was ordered a macro lens for my mobile phone and yesterday I got this in my hand. So I am thinking to make a trial and try to click some photos to see how its works and quality. so in the morning I am going how to click some photos. but in this morning The weather is not much good. So it was very difficult for me to take some photos but I am trying my best to click some photos. so you can see here some photos.




There is one problem that I face it's not take perfect focus. You can see here this two photos are really good. But the last one is not much good. because it's very difficult to focus this object in sort time. I am just need to much time to take a photo. But in this short time it was very difficult to click a macro photography.
because sometimes flies and others object are always run away when you are going and close to it, but as I know this lens is much good for me. this photos are really very nice and photo resolution are also very good. So I think this lens is perfect for me.**


Thanks for your time

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Discord : #ridoykhan22#0033


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