🏖LMAC summer special☀️: Let's build the LMAC image library! My first contribution

Greetings my friend. Here I want to share with you my first contribution to the image library. With pictures of antique objects that my grandfather has in his house as well as his beautiful jeep that he has as a heirloom. It is worth mentioning that I give all the copyright to the lmac community for free and commercial use.

Saludos amigo. Por aqui les quiero compartir mi primera contribucion para la biblioteca de imagenes. Com fotografias de objetos antiguos que tiene mi abeulo en su casa a de mas de su hermoso jeep que lo tiene como reliquea. Cabe destacar que sedo todo el derecho de autor a la comunida lmac para su uso gratuito y comercial.

Monkeys in cages - Monos enjaulados monkeys, cage, creative - monos, jaula , creativo
grasoil lamp - Lampara de gasoil souvenir , durable , lamp - lampara, recuerdo, duradero
Pewter jaron - Jaron de peltre Pewter jaron - Jaron de peltre vase , souvenir , durable , tableware - jarron , recuerdo, duradero , vajilla
bottle of aged liqueur - botella licor añejo bottle, souvenir, liquor, cork - botella, recuerdo , licor, corcho
Grandfather's Jeep - Jeep del abuelo Jeep, relic, rustic - Jeep, reliquea , rustico
Grandfather's Jeep - Jeep del abuelo Jeep, relic, rustic - Jeep, reliquea , rustico
Grandfather's Jeep - Jeep del abuelo Jeep, relic, rustic - Jeep, reliquea , rustico
Souvenir camera - Camara de recuerdo memories, camera, vaul, relic, relics - recuerdos, camara, vaul, reliquea
Tree - Arbol tree, nature, roots - arbol, naturaleza, raices
beautiful sky - hermoso cielo new sky, blue - nueves cielo, azul
beautiful sky - hermoso cielo new sky, blue - nueves cielo, azul
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