August fungi (15 foto)

Hola, setero! I have a few hours before midnight, to shape and post my #mushroommonday post. Actually I just finished copying files of the photos I took during this weekend. I found lots of mushrooms! We also got a great harvest of apples, and of course I was shooting some other stuff, but lets say, every 7 of 10 photos from this recent folder, are mushrooms.

Most of them are unedibles and UFOs, but not all of them. Ok, lets go thru the pics. I dont know myself yet what I will choose to share today - there are so many! But what I do know for sure is that I want to start from a beautiful, fancy Amanita muscaria.


I am reading a nice ebook about this wonderful mushroom (in Russian), and I hope to post my review of it soon to the Hive Book Club comminity.



This mushroom can be considered as the most recognizable and beautiful, ornate mushroom of the Russian forest. Well, anyway, one of them is absolutely certain. So, during my visit to the forest - I did not find a single such mushroom! They themselves came to me, to my house: Eight grew in my place, next to my house, two more I found in a nearby place, and five of them in an abandoned place, also not far, on the way to the local store.

I just came to the same places where I saw them last year ... The moral is simple: you need to know the places, and remember where the mycelium of a particular mushroom is hiding. And if possible, periodically check this place. The result is guaranteed!


Этот гриб можно рассматривать как самый узнаваемый и красивый, нарядный гриб русского леса. Ну, во всяком случае, один из них -- это совершенно точно. Так вот, во время моего визита в лес - я не нашел ни одного такого гриба! Они сами пришли ко мне, к моему дому: Восемь выросло на моем месте, рядом с домом, еще два я нашел на соседнем месте, и пять штук - на брошенном месте, тоже недалеко, по дороге к местному магазину. Я просто приходил в те же места, где я видел их прошлом году... Мораль проста: надо знать места, и запоминать где прячется грибница конкретного гриба. И при возможности, периодически проверять это места. Результат гарантирован!

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And this is how looks like the said books about fly agarics that I am reading now. Very interesting reading - and by the way, half of the book (!) is devoted by cooking recipes. Well, almost half. And another good thing is that you can easily find a free version available off the Internet.

А вот так выглядит книга про мухоморы, которую я сейчас читаю. Очень интересное чтение - и кстати, половину книги (!) занимают рецепты приготовления. Ну, почти половину. Что тоже неплохо, легко можно отыскать в интернете бесплатную версию.


Seems, somebody have left his cricket ball in the forest?

And some other nice fungi to add to the bouquiet.


Russulas. We have an endless ocean of Russulas popping up everywhere.


Same shot - with a punch of my fave x-processing. Hard to tell exactly the scientific name of these britlegills, the details forming different species are quite subtle in this case. Russula sp. is quite enough, there are dozens of very same species, and the edibility differs... you may check yourself when in doubt, just biting a little bit of its cap: if your tongue detect no bitterness, then this is ok candidate for a frying pan. Britlegills show themselves perfectly in a pan, with sour cream, onions and potatoes. Yummy!



This ceps was truly gigantic - double size of my palm!


A none-noble UFO. (Was very attractive for three snails... might be there s something good about it that we, humans, can not appreciate).

In the forest, I found three copies of Boletus subtomentosus. At first I found one, his plum-sized cap was clearly visible. Since I know that they always grow up in families, I looked closer, and soon two more under the foliage. They were very young, a day later - and would have grown to such a noticeable size that someone else would have noticed them too... and this is the reason why I did not find more of this kind: other "quiet hunters" already have found all of them.



В лесу я нашел три гриба-моховика. Сначала я нашел одного, его шляпка размером со сливу была хорошо видимой. Поскольку я знаю что они всегда растут семьями, то поискал как следует, и рядом нашел под листвой еще две штуки. Они очень молодые, еще день - и выросли бы до такого размера, что их заметит кто то другой... и это причина почему я не нашел других: их уже нашли другие тихие охотники.


The pair of common puff-balls in a picturesque green moss jungle. When a moss like this is decorated with raindrops or morning dew - it is like jewels, and extremely photo-friendly! A snail bonus would be nice, but there happened no snail around intrested in getting some useful fungi massage for free...

And the last one (the last cause I have to go to sleep, I have a day in the office tomorrow! -- not because I am out of mushrooms, haha!)


This is an UFO... a beautiful UFO that I believe is non-edible and useless in terms of foraging purposes. But look how beautiful it is, in terms of photo-friendly business!

I literally got stuck with it... and could not stop taking double and triple takes.. I will show more in my other posts, but they are pretty all the same, actually. And below is a cropped close-up version of the same shot (and no downscale, its a real pixel-by-pixel size I got from my camera).


location: St.Petersburg, Russia August 2021 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 50mm raw-conv.

Look, I took macro photo without using my dedicated macro-telephoto lens at all. Actually, all of this posts's pics was captured using my universal everyday 50-mm lens. No dedicated 150-mm macro! Thats why this time my mushroom portraits show no splendid bokeh and no tiny GRIP zone, but instead of that, there are portraits in the interior environment. Awesome, isnt it?

Now, its time to part ways, I wish you good luck -- and Good Hunting!
Happy #FungiFriday to you! And here is little reminder: we have a nice fun challenge at Hive, hold by @EwkaW: #FungiFriday. I hope many of you will join, as there are only 2 simple rules:

  • when Friday comes, share your fungi with us! post your own, original photo/drawing/art/food/anything-at-all of any type of fungi (yes, stolen images will be checked and reported !)
  • add #fungifriday tag (not necessarily must be 1st tag). post it to any community you like, not necessarily FL; that's all!


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