Guesthouse at Assisi

Del Giglio Suore Francescane Missionarie Di Assis, 06/11/2019

My European tour was almost coming to an end. I had to go back to Korea in a week. The last place was Rome. I stayed in Assisi for 3 days. The accommodation here was like a mother's hug. It was franciscan Sister's guesthouse and the room was very spacious to me alone. Might be due to off-season. The director of this convent is said to be Korean. That's one of the reason why I felt comfortable. Sometimes I could meet Asian nuns. Unlike other monasteries in the mountains, it is located at the main street of Assisi. At night time, seeing nuns chatting while watching TV made me feel at home.



It was cumbersome to search for bites during travel, so I had chosen option of stay with two meals. I enjoyed foods they served. Especially I saw a young monk that seemed to come from the United states during breakfast. The way he eats looked very serene. Aura, a light from behind seemed to be shown. It must be a personal feeling. Anyhow there was something special during stay here not like other places' comforts in trip. It might be due to my personal preference to saint Francis.



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