The lesson a Professor learnt from Man


Hello beautiful people on hive block chain. It's been a while have not posted on this platform because of my examination. Now that I am back you will be expecting more from me. God bless you. @peckypeace.

"The lesson a professor learnt from a mad man"

Beloved, no matter how rich,
educated or connected you may be, never look down on anybody or write anybody off. This is because that person you look down today may hold a key to your success, life, safety tomorrow. This is a lesson a professor learnt from a mad man, during one of his travelings.

A professor had a tyre blow out in motion and struggled to stop the car at a dangerous spot, notorious for arm robbery.

Good enough, the professor had a good spare tyre and a good jack. But guess what? When the tyre burst, the nuts used to fasten them to the car had all fallen off. This left the professor confused because there was no spare part shop for the many kilometers. But while the professor stare at the car hopelessly, a mad man passed by and greeted him: "Good afternoon sir." The professor ignored him and didn't respond to his greetings. But the mad walked by the professor again, looked at him and said: "foolish man, take a nut from each of the other three tyres and use it to fasten the tyre that has lost all it's nuts. That way every tyre will have three nuts fastening them. At least, it will take you to the next city, where you can buy the remaining one nut for each tyres.

"Foolish man". And the mad man walked away. Being a professor meant he was a knowledgeable and intelligent person, but he couldn't figure out what to do to get him out of the situation. The professor despised and look down on the mad man. He never expected anything good or reasonable from him but he was wrong.

It was the mad man suggestion that took him out of the dangerous spot he found himself that day. This humble him.

In other words, never look down or write off anybody, no matter the condition, situation or the circumstances surrounding them. "And never write off yourself". Just like the mad man, God can use anybody to deliver the blessing, the idea or the life saving suggestion that you desperately need, into your hands. "As the saying goes, Always have your feet firmly planted on ground and stay humble". Don't look down on others, no matter how less well-off they appear. Remember, the one look down on today might be the person you have to look up to tomorrow. "Such is life. Proverbs 16:18 says- pride goeth before a fall. Pride makes it difficult for a proud person to relate with people. Be humble.

In conclusion, never look down on a person no matter how that person looks like. Remember what happened between the professor and the mad man. Be humble and simple. Thank you for reading my post. @peckypeace.

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