Some medicinal plants

Medicinal plants can help us with small ailments and also provide us with a garden full of aroma that revives anyone. They are easy to use to treat common ailments at home, and do not require much effort when looking for, growing or collecting them.

Some are as common as garlic, recognized as a strong antibiotic and widely used to treat colds, colds and respiratory infections, and others we will have to look for them in herbal stores or garden centers such as arnica, ideal to relieve muscle or joint pain and even , low back pain.

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The truth is that planning a herbarium is simple and you just have to choose your favorite plants and grow them. But, to make things easier, a good way to start your herb garden is to plant the best known and most used herbs first.

Of course, we will select the herbs that thrive in the climate of the place where we live and we will carefully choose in which type of pot or drawer we are going to grow them. Study factors such as the sun well, since each plant needs different requirements, and place them according to the needs of each plant.

10 essential medicinal plants in your home


LqLavender is more than a medicinal plant that is characterized by its calming properties. But not only that, lavender regenerates cells, it is anti-inflammatory and healing. It is used to treat burns, wounds, allergies, and also for ailments such as rheumatism or arthritis.

Áloe vera

Aloe vera is a refreshing and healing medicinal plant, native to tropical Africa, where it has been used as an antidote to poison on poisoned spear wounds. It stands out for its purgative, collalogic, tonic, demulcent, antibacterial, fungicidal, styptic, sedative and anthelmintic actions.

Rosemary is one of the most versatile medicinal plants. For example, it has anti-inflammatory properties, works to fight dandruff and repels mosquitoes among many others


Chamomile is native to Europe, the Middle East, and India and is used for digestive or nervous disorders and for anti-inflammatory ointments. Has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, bitter, sedative, antiemetic, carminative and anti-allergenic actions


Peppermint is a digestive, analgesic and antiseptic medicinal plant. It is also an excellent nasal decongestant. It is also antispasmodic, antiemetic, diaphoretic, and cholagogue

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