Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future


The author of the book is the co-founder of PayPal and Palantir, as well as an investor in hundreds of startups, including SpaceX and Facebook.

In this work, you will not find a ready-made formula for success, because it simply does not exist. But you will learn to ask the right questions and seek answers to them to succeed in business. What are startups and under what conditions do they appear? What is the peculiarity of monopolies and can a novice businessman eventually become a monopolist? How to master the art of selling? Why is it always important to remember globalization?

Although the book is based on a course on startups taught by the author in 2012 at Stanford University, it is not a textbook in the classical sense. Here is a collection of exercises that train your ability to think and teach you to look into the future, getting rid of the restrictions imposed by society.

Book Description

How to create a company from scratch, lead it to success, making it a market leader? Peter Thiel, the entrepreneur who created the PayPal payment system and the first investor in Facebook, believes that the foundation of any successful startup is a unique product that gives the company a winning monopoly status. Therefore, one of the important conditions for the survival of any project is the ability of the founders to look at the world in a new way, in order to notice a winning idea that no one has developed yet. It was these ideas, first articulated in lectures at Stanford University, that formed the basis of Peter Thiel's book. Using the example of Facebook, Microsoft, eBay, Twitter, LinkedIn and many other companies, and most importantly, from his own unique experience at PayPal, Peter explains what strategy an aspiring businessman needs to choose in order to succeed in creating his own startup.

Author: Litres

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