The uniqueness of figs, the Sacred Tree which is discussed in several scriptures.

The fig tree is one of the many trees mentioned in all religions, so it is also mentioned in the scriptures. Not only that, the fig tree also has its own uniqueness, namely its behavior that makes researchers confused.


One of the trees mentioned in the holy book of religious communities.

In Islam, the name of this tree is enshrined in one of the letters of the Qur'an named At-Tin which means fig tree. Almost all major religions mention the name Ara, this is a special indication that this tree has something different. In Christianity and Judaism, the fig is mentioned as one of the trees whose name is enshrined in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament in Christianity.

In Buddhism, Siddhartha attained enlightenment while sitting on the Bodhi tree or other language Ara. Whereas in Hinduism, this plant is called the world tree whose roots are towering as the source of the Saraswati river.

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