Creating 2D clay sculpture of Infurnal

Now a days I'm learning and making something which I've never did since long ago. I have been making clay toys and stuff out of raw clay since ai was a child but 2d art is something new I'm usually doing these days. Since a few time ago probably I made Miu around last week and it done great after that I tried something more tricky and complex it was also satisfying so, I'm making again a new 2d art this time it is Infurnal.


I usually made any clay sculpture one day before I actually paint it, but this time as it was a pleasant sunny day so I made the sculpture in the morning and paint it in the afternoon.

  • First of all take he clay and make a plain an smooth as wellas thin sheet.

  • Now make a print of the whole shade and overall structure of the character and mark the area with a stick.

  • Now cut the marked area and make it smooth with a butter knife I usually used it cause it is the tool I am using since I was a child you can use other things to make it smooth like a stick of brush don't forget to make it wet as it help in creating good structure.

  • This is image right before painting as it was a warm day so it didn't took a lot of time to make it completely dried I just placed it in the direct sunlight in the morning and after known it was completely dried.

  • In the first step of painting I usually paint from starting from light colours in this case the white colour was first so first of all I make the fur in his ears and area below his mouth.

  • Then I colour the domain area of the structure which was brown and black so for making the perfect colour I mixed equal amount of yellow blue red and a bit brown in black as well to make it perfect.

  • Now that play with fire the characters eyes are gloomy and fire is also coming out about his eyes as well as from its neck I just made have of the character as to as more good beside making complete structure.

  • At this teddy bear all most done I painted the fire base colour red then orange and then fill the spot with yellow as well as out lining the eyeball of the character was very tricky as I don't have anything brushes but yet I did it and took a lot of effort.

Did you notice something I also made Shades in this character so you can see some places are dark and some are light and as well as I try to trade somewhet above the ears and above his nose as well

Final look ✨😁

Which version is better clay art or drawing.I hope you guys will love this art piece as well, thanks for reaching my content. See you next time.

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