What Do I Do on Sundays While Other People are Watching Football?


Okay, let me be honest to start out here. I don't hate football or any other sport for that matter. I am just indifferent. And if I am being completely honest, which I try to do as much as possible, I would rather spend the time in the afternoon getting my work done online and then I can have my evenings to myself especially on the weekend.

So, yeah I do still have some of the employee mindset about working hours and off hours. But I am self employed and during the day is when I choose to work. I am better during the day for working anyway because that is when I have the most focus and energy for things that require focus and energy.

Last night I spent my evening/night after dinner catching up on some of my favorite crime dramas (all of them) while my Dad and sister watched the Wisconsin Badgers game. My husband watched a couple of them with me.

I am old enough to remember the days when there was only one TV in household (our house for sure) and we watched whatever the owners (my parents) of the house wanted to watch. Yeah, ancient history. It was fine if I didn't want to watch football but it was up to me to figure out something else to keep myself occupied. Since I had homework that had to be done on Monday, that is what I would spend time catching up on. Cuz Friday after school it seemed like I had so much time till Monday and who wants to do homework on Friday night after spending all week in school? Yeah, not me either.

Now, I am back in the house in which I grew up and there are 3 TVs. I know, right?! And there are way more choices of stuff to watch and other ways to entertain ourselves or ways to learn new skills. It's pretty amazing really.
My 90 year old Dad for whom we just bought a new TV with a 75 inch screen spends time dictating his family history into a google doc on his Chromebook that he bought for his 90th birthday as a present to himself.

One of my points here, I guess, is that boredom shouldn't be an issue. There is always something to do or see or watch. Yes, I spend time watching TV and sometimes I even binge watch TV shows that I really like. But I choose to get done what is really important first because that is what is going to push me forward.
Being at least 95% in control of my schedule really helps.

Now I am going to go and sit outside in the yard and get a little of this nice fresh autumn air. Have a great rest of your day!

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