Evening Beers: a Review

It's #Beersaturday time and today I have two evening beers to review. I hope you enjoy! Cheers 🍻

Evening Edition


Brewery: Beyond the Pale Brewing Co
Origin: Ottawa ON, Canada
Style: Dark Lager
Abv: 3.8%

Marketing: News station television imagery and name. Not a lot of other info about the beer. I don't necessarily like the can, I found it to be very gimmicky, and it has that look of being a small batch test brew, but there is something fun and interesting about it as well. I was intrigued by it at the store so I guess the marketing did work on me.


Color: The beer poured a deep chestnut brown color with a light colored head that didn't stick around for very long.


Nose: It had that distinct Lager smell to it, which must come from the yeast since that is the main difference between an Ale and a lager. Some malty aromas and some roasted notes coming through as well.

Taste: Very mild sweetness in the beginning with a bitter finish. Some light cocoa in the background.

Texture: Very light bubbles and a weightiness on the tongue. Mediumium light bodied.

Impression: Overall I'd say that this is a pretty good beer. I found it to be quite refreshing, with a decent amount of flavor considering that it's a light beer.

Craft Lager


Brewery: Muskoka Brewery
Origin: Bracebridge, ON Canada
Style: Golden Lager
Abv: 4.8%


Marketing: Blue, white and cream color scheme on the can. Generic name. River boat cruiser image. Simple blurb on back. Not a bad can overall.


Color: Golden yellow. With a hefty head of foam that lingered for a while before disappearing into the liquid.

Nose: Mild malt aromas coming through. Grass. Light grapefruit maybe?? Pleasant indistinct smell overall.

Taste: Crisp fresh taste. Dry with a quick bitter finish. Well balanced. A little light in the flavor department for me.


Texture: Sharp bubbles at first than moving towards a flat texture fairly quickly. I couldn't tell if that was because of the beer or my glass though, so I wont fault the beer for it. Light bodied.

Impression: I had low expectations for the beer, though I don't really know why. I quite enjoyed it overall in the end. Smooth clean taste, light flavor and very easy drinking. I drank this one at night but it would be best in the summer on a hot day in my opinion.

Well thats it for now. Until next time, thanks for stopping by. Cheers everyone!

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