My Defi Pet - Boss Fight DISASTER Relief

Good Morning, folks.

It's a rainy morning here so I'm sitting outside with my coffee watching it pour. There's something so relaxing and beautiful about a nice rain/thunderstorm. I've got my dark roast coffee paired with a Blue Dream vape pen. I guess you could say I feel pretty good right now. Anyway, I was doing my morning scroll through random shit like Twitter and I came across some awesome news regarding My Defi Pet. If you've never checked it out, it is similar to Axis Infinity but waaaay more in the early stages at the moment. Just recently the first ever battle event took place in the form of a sort of raid style boss battle. It was a complete SHIT SHOW so please check that out here if you want to see my first hand experience.


The Fuckery

Clearly they were not prepared for this event. The boss was deployed and people spent hours trying to get into the battle. Once they finally got into the battle area trying to deploy a pet was the next nightmare. Every single transaction failed. Burning gas over and over again hoping to get at least one pet in. I stopped after a few just to see what would happen. It was annoying but I took the L and moved on. I even tried the second day to deploy at least one pet into battle and was successful after 8 failed transactions. So I burned a shitload of gas and got 0.2 DPET. WOOHOO!!!! I did suggest in my post that they figure out some way to compensate because they hurt a lot of people with burned gas fees. So today, almost 2 weeks later, we get a kind of resolution.

The Resolution?


As you can see over 90% of users will be either partially or fully refunded for gas burned on failed transactions for a total of 98,170 users. Gas fees will be paid in BNB of 0.000112305 BNB per failed transaction and will be distributed on the 4th of September. Looking at a couple of my failed transactions that seems like a fair amount of gas to be refunded. I honestly don't understand why they don't just airdrop DPET tokens to all the addresses instead of sending miniscule amounts of BNB to 90,000 addresses. Seems a DPET airdrop would cost them less BNB in gas fees, but what the fuck do I know? I'm just a stoner on the internet.


So you can check this spreadsheet to see if you will be compensated here. Seems to be a little overloaded probably by massive amounts of people flooding it to see if they are going to get their money back. After about 10 minutes of loading, I was able to search the file for my address. Like holy shit I can't even imagine how much they're going to spend on gas to accomplish this.


Unfortunately it does not show how much of compensation you'll get. No one expected to get anything, so be thankful for what you get. The team could have just said fuck it and kept going on about their day. Good on them for doing something. We will see what happens come September 4th.

Thanks for reading.

I will be talking to you guys very soon. Remember to drink some water and meditate today.

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