Phill from GCHQ - page 62 - Dagda

Dagda - Page 62 of the cartoon about Phill from GCHQ - a free comic that I have been working on since September 2016.

Previous page: Phill from GCHQ - page 61 - The Hole

(thanks to @steevc for the idea about pointing to the previous page. Remember that the comic can also be read on the its own website.

Introduction to this weeks page

In the previous page a sinister pagan ritual was initiated and it actually works! I got the idea for all this skull magic while reading about the Celtic culture and religion. All the way back from when central European tribes conquered and sacked Rome and to present days, there has been a special focus on the skull in Celtic religion and folklore. I read about a man in present day Scotland that cured people with the skull of a girl who commited suicide, and in eithteenth century Brittany people did not bother to attend the Catholic sermon, but rushed right past church into the bone house to worship their ancestors. We know this from frustrated pastors who wrote their superiors in Paris.

The skull in the story belongs to a poor US. soldier who died on the mission to capture Phill. You can read on this page about her: Phill from GCHQ - page 53 - Dead Patriots. Her name is Emma Olsen.

Happy reading.


Thanks to some very dedicated and helpful people the comic about Phill from GCHQ can also be read in other languages. New pages are published on their respective Steemit pages. Please follow them and support their work!

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-by)

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