[ES-EN] Concursos de Microrrelatos de Terror | Tercera Semana [El Ascensor] // Terror Microstory Challenge: Third Week [The Elevator]

El Ascensor

Jordan, a pesar de que siempre le tuvo temor a los ascensores, debía buscar los documentos en su departamento, el reloj reflejaba su tardanza y con gran desespero decidió subir por el ascensor en lugar de utilizar las escaleras como siempre.

Al llegar el último piso, solo se escuchó el estruendo de los cables rompiéndose. Mientras caía al oscuro vacío, sus pies se despegaban del piso, en lo que parecía una caída infinita al abismo, en el techo de la cabina una cara demoniaca que con enorme sonrisa y con un tono de burla le dijo “siempre esperé este momento”.


Gracias por tu lectura, hasta la próxima

The Elevator

Jordan, although he was always afraid of elevators, had to look for the documents in his apartment, the clock reflected his tardiness and with great desperation he decided to go up the elevator instead of using the stairs as usual.

When he reached the top floor, all he could hear was the sound of cables breaking. As he fell into the dark void, his feet were detached from the floor, in what seemed like an infinite fall into the abyss, on the roof of the cabin a demon face that with a big smile and a mocking tone told him "I have always waited for this moment".


Thank you very much

Thank you for your reading, until next time

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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