Why so happy?


Well, my cell phone, the smart one, had been damaged a couple of weeks ago, so I couldn't communicate with almost anyone, and at the same time, life was difficult, especially because of how necessary these devices have become.


But, after a few days of savings, I was able to gather enough to at least buy a basic one, or not so basic, because it is a little powerful, as the Blu brand has done its best to help the poor, like me, xD, to be able to continue communicating with our friends and family.

13 Hbd, which took me days to put together, with extra help, went into that device. I am still collecting to buy the smart one, I hope I can do it, even if it lasts a couple of years.

Ismael D. Rodríguez

Discord ismaelrd04#9345

Gracias a : @guiltyparties @enginewitty @thealliance @c0ff33a por el apoyo que prestan a cada uno de nosotros, merecen un voto de confianza. Gracias


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