Crypto Tools #6 - VeraCrypt


Keeping your crypto money safe is important, so good management of files and keys is a must. People use different methods but it is not an easy task - especially when you have to use these keys and files quite often.

If you like to use a file to store your keys on your hard drive, I think you may like VeraCrypt.


It is a small program that allows you to create encrypted file (or even a device) which is going to behave like a normal drive - you can copy your files there, work on it as usual and once you disconnect nobody will be able to access them.

You can copy encrypted file around, you can store it online and you should still be safe as it uses strong encryption algorithm. At least if you use strong password :)

Usage is super simple:

  • Create an encrypted file
  • Once it is created, select it, choose a drive letter for it and mount it - you will be asked for password and if it is correct you will have another drive in your system


Program has many options for configuration, it is open source and works on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. I use it for some time now and it seems to work fine.

You can download and try it HERE.

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