World should thank India for these invention.


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* The USB (Universal Serial Bus)
Yes An Indian has an idea of makin the USB, a touch removable memory device that's capable of holding an outsized chunk of knowledge storage and transfer. Although, it’s comfortable to use and hold.
* Shampoo
Yes, you've got India to thank for shampoo, invented in 1762 within the eastern parts of the Mughal Empire and used as a ‘head massage’, comprising of natural oils and herbs. The English word ‘shampoo’ derives from the Hindi word ‘chāmpo’, which comes from the Sanskrit word ‘Chapayati’, meaning massage or knead.
* Wireless communication
This invention revolutionized the way we communicate. While historians credit Marconi with inventing wireless radio communication, Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose was actually the primary one that demonstrated the utilization of radio waves for communication publicly back in 1895, exactly two years before Marconi gave an identical demo in England. In other words, Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose invented wireless communication technology, which enables people to speak quickly and transmit information over a distance without the necessity for electrical conductors, wires, or cables.
* Buttons
You will be surprised to find out that buttons also come from India. Yes, it’s true! The trace of buttons origin was found back to the Indus Valley Civilisation in 2000 BC. Approx 5,000 years ago, they were made from seashells and given geometric shapes with tiny holes bored into them. within the past, they were used for ornamental purposes, but gradually, people began to use them for fastening clothes.

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