Objective 1 Million USD - My 2021 Master Plan

Hey everyone, hope you're doing great the first hours/days of the year.

This is my entry for the 2021 finance goals Initiative from @theycallmedan & @leofinance. It's also my first post of the year so what better reason to start than this one.

Let's get down to business.

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First, let's make a 2020 recap

The year started in a shitty way; I got fired out from a shitty job where I had a shitty wage because my shitty boss didn't want to increase my monthly payment by ~150€ (He was legally entitled after 1 year of slavery rights on me).

I was working +40 weekly hours (not counting 1h of daily commuting), for a semi-high 'qualified job' in the sanitary field, for a little over ~800€/month. Approx ~5,22€/hour if you ask me. Violence if you keep asking me. Back in time had to take the job to face some expenses after being full broke in 2018.

It wasn't much but enough to cover my low expenses, at least. (no debt, no luxury vices, no smoking, low time preference.)

Then suddenly I got fired and got locked at home. I got a monthly paycheck from unemployment services for ~8 months that granted me lots of time to study. So what at first seemed like a fucked up personal disaster, ended up being a blessing in disguise.


Need to mention that I have been accumulating alts since 2018 (Investing since 2012, involved in crypto since 2015; started to take things more seriously in 2017.)

I found in a situation where I had the time, the money and an enforced lockdown.

What a better time to level up your trading/investing game? The perfect storm was brewing when all the fucked up governments started printing in an irresponsible way (as if they hadn't been doing it before!).

If you have been reading me previously, you already know this but...

I'm an altcoin player.

One of those shitty ones that held 0 Bitcoin until December.

One of those that love to dig in the mud searching for little brilliant rocks (we call them gems) and we polish it in expectation of insane returns.

For this 'apparently simple' labour, you need a lot of study hours at your shoulders, a lot of emotional strength and most importantly; patience. Also some spare money to invest.

The upside from this job is that when you're right you kill it. I mean. Seriously. This is how the really big gains are made.

And the downside? You have to make all the work upfront (research, invest, optimize, rebalance...etc). And the uncertainty. You're always dealing with a (sometimes overwhelming) anxiety.

2020 has been a killing year for me financially. I made several killing plays which have left me with brutal returns over the months. Just to name a few:

I ride AVA from as low as 0,07$ up to 2$.


I also rode ORN from 2,2$ up to 6$ (In fact I started that huge daily candle swallowing all the ORN's at resistance).


I keep riding the last summer hype, and bought YFI for 14K$ and sold it for 33K$.


Did I need to even mention LEO?

I bought some LEO for 0,003$ back in the day. And I'm here since day one.

I recognise that LEO was something unexpected at the beginning, but I would have sold ages ago If I wouldn't have perceived 'some value' around at the time.

Glad that I stuck to this place :) (not to mention the connections that I did in the path).

Looking at 2021 - Objective 1 Million USD

I always take privacy as something very 'private' (sorry for the redundancy), but if I'm talking about '1 Million USD' I need to disclose some numbers.

My current HIVE & LEO value is around ~30K$ (LEO + LEOM + HIVE).
If you looked at my account closely, you might notice that I 'cashed out' ~60K LEO at an average price of 0,25$/LEO in the three couple of weeks.

Don't get me wrong, I'm in love with LEO, but my 'rules' forced me to realize some earnings as I wasn't unable to rebalance my portfolio in a healthy way without selling some. I felt that 'anxiety' that you feel when you're overexposed to something.

Taking into consideration this last movement, I'll only say that I'm starting out this year with over 50K$ invested in cryptocurrencies.

My current performance looks like this for 2020:


And if everything goes as expected my plan is to be well over 1,000.000$ sometime this year. I don't know when, of course. It all depends on 'wen alt season' and If I'm able to ride it in an efficient way.

I have a particular way of trading which worked well so far both fundamentally and TA wise, and I'll try to keep doing my best in that field.

I've also been thinking lately about launching a personal initiative like SPI/LBI but with a 'pegged token' linked to my trading performance. I'll have to run some numbers and sort some things before. But could be pretty interesting. (How does it sound in your eyes as a reader, would you invest into me?).

My Personal Mantra:

My investment strategy could be summed up in a single sentence:

'Invest in undervalued working products with generating revenue that you're able to understand and use.'

And I can tell you at least about three: Travala ($AVA), Orion Protocol ($ORN) and of course LeoFinance ($LEO).

I can almost guarantee (I'm putting my money in) that you don't need anything more to be successful (financially speaking) this year.

You don't need to overcomplicate things. Stick to hardworking teams which don't stop to buidl. Of course, don't forget to keep healthy positions in $BTC and $ETH (and I should be applying this last tip also to myself).

You should also learn how to take profits and how to average in/out positions.

It's also recommended that you take some of your time to study to keep you updated with the latest trends and to keep a low time preference.

For example, you might think that (because I amassed a decent amount of wealth) I wear very expensive clothes and drive a fancy car.

Far from reality. I didn't change my mobile phone in 3 years and my car sucks because it is like a barbie one (not pink or a fiat one, but very similar in overall appearance).


So, remember... If you see around a long light-brown hair dude driving a 'barbie car'... watch out! because maybe it's your lovely author empoderat from the leofinance fam.

Point is, some of my friends keep complaining about their stupid boss and their messed up finances while driving a 'top tier car' purchased with a ~20K$ loan or a 1000$ phone paid monthly with interest.

I'm in that position because I understood early how to make money to work for me and not the other way around.

Some of my friends still refuse to learn about Bitcoin. Well. Don't be like some of my friends.

I'm around chilling with the peace of mind that 'If' I play my cards 'decently' this year, might don't need to work for the dreams of another one ever again.

Don't get me wrong. It's very different to work 'because you have to' or to work because you 'really love what you do'.

Price Predictions for 2021

All this quackery is great, but a shilling post isn't great without their doses of price prediction, let's make a few!

''Yeah empo, STFU and tell us about price predictions''

Yeah, here we go. This is my (conservative) price predictions for these assets AT SOME POINT in 2021.

Remember; Not today, not tomorrow (don't have a clue), not next tuesday, not next summer. I DON'T KNOW. This is not financial advice and all that stuff, don't go full YOLO Bitmex degen mode x100 leverage

Bitcoin $BTC: 150K$
Ethereum $ETH: 5000$
LeoFinance token $LEO: 10$
Hive $HIVE: 3$
Travala token $AVA: 10$
Orion Protocol $ORN: 20$
Ripple $XRP: 0$

In Conclusion

Number. Go. Up.

One Last thing

I've noticed that this initiative has attached a few prizes in HIVE and LEO.

I would like to say in advance that if any of the judges consider my post 'good enough' to be eligible for one of those prizes (such an honour btw, you'll make my day),

I'll GIVEAWAY all the prize for other users who I think need it more.

This network gave me already a lot and (up to) ~500 HIVE/250 LEO doesn't make any difference for me.

Just to let you know :)

Ah, and if you read until this point. Thank you and hope you've enjoyed the read. Hope you all enjoyed a lot the past Christmas and 2021 started in the best way possible.

Best of success.

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You can follow me on Twitter


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