Man arrested for giving a face tattoo to a child..... in a McDonalds

Some news just boggles the mind in the mind-blowingly stupid nature of many of the people that live on this planet with us. I don't have all the answers to the questions of life, but I'm pretty sure that giving a minor a face tattoo in a McDonalds is not one of them.


The guy's name is Brandon Presha and god only knows what the unlicensed tattoo artist was thinking when he decided to do this in such a public place. When I was in college, I got a piercing from and unlicensed piercing-specialist (what are those people called?) but it was in his apartment and he had sterilized needles and one of those sanitizing oven things for his tools at least.

Maybe it is just because I was raised by both my parents or something but I do not understand how it is that there are lots of people out there think that getting a face tattoo is a good idea. A lot of this is driven by pop culture and a lot of the superstars that certain people idolize. Yeah, ok, I get it a handful of mostly rappers who have face tatts are extremely wealthy and successful but here's the kicker idiots... a vast majority of the people who have face tattoos go on to accomplish very little in their lives because even though it is illegal to discriminate against someone for having a face tattoo, guess what? People still do so.


WTF is Lil Wayne wearing? It looks like a shirt made of newspapers and swimming goggles.

So while the kid, who I guess to some degree can be forgiven for this mistake by the ignorance of youth the guy who decided to do the tatt for him can not be and likely will not be as he was arrested for this although I can't really imagine what the charges could possibly be: Operating without a license? Child endangerment? If anything the parents (and let's not kid ourselves, it is probably "parent") of the kid getting the face tatt should get into some level of trouble as well for this.

This didn't make the "dumb" section just because of how absurd the situation is, but also McDonalds reaction to it. They had this to say as if an explanation was even necessary.

"In our restaurants, nothing is more important to us than the safety and well-being of our customers & employees.
The conduct reported is not in line with the values of our organization or in line with our expectations for how restaurants should be run."

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You mean to tell me that McDonalds corporate reps don't think that the dining area should be used as a place to give face tattoos to minors? That's madness!

It's a good thing they made a press release about that or otherwise I would just assume that all McDonalds were now operating as tattoo parlors and it was part of the Happy Meal toy option or something.

This story, all the people involved in it, and the reaction from McDonalds (they should have just said nothing) are ....


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